
Jodhpurs vs. Breeches?

by Guest66916  |  earlier

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When I look through catalogs, in the English clothing section I see both jodhpurs and breeches. What's the difference between the two?




  1. i like jodphurs better! lol


    Jodphers= full lenghth riding trousers, meant to be worn with the bottom folded up and worn with short boots (but i wear em with long ones and with short ones and chaps! lol)

    Breeches= bit like pedal pushers, they finish half way down the leg below your knee. theyre meant to be worn with long boots, or short ones with chaps. i dont have any, but they look very showy! :-D

  2. Jodphurs are full-length pants and are worn with short boots, sometimes called paddock boots or jodphur boots. These are usually worn by children. Breeches end just below the knee, and are worn with high boots.

  3. well jodphurs have an elastic band that goes underr the boot and breeches dont.

  4. for some people confort and some looks. Jodhpurs are more of riding pantsand breechesaremore of pants but are still used for riding!

  5. if you are showing, judges like to see children 12 and under in jodhpurs . jodhpurs show off the leg more and proper position is essential  and the jodhpurs shows everything.  and if you are gonna show  and start off young the proper position of the leg is essential if you want to be good at it.

  6. jodphers are for children...12 and under

    breeches are for adults 13 and over

  7. the difference is in the comfort and the type of showing that you are doing in arabian shows if you show in walk trot 10 and under you would wear Jodpurs.  As the walk-trot-canter classes is worn with breeches and tall boots.  The breeches are made so that they end below your knee or half way down your calf.  Its so the tall boot doesnt rub.  Where Jodhpurs are made so they cover your field/padock boots with the bottoms rolled up and the elastic band around and under your boot so that they do not move up your leg as you ride.  I find that breeches are more comfortable to waer in everyday riding with chaps and short boots, or for jumping.  I hoped it helped a little.
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