
Joe Biden...? I liked him, his story and experience when in primary. What others think?

by Guest31823  |  earlier

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Why did Joe Biden perform so poorly in the primary elections? I liked him back then. What do you think about him as VP?




  1. He was simply overshadowed and overfunded by the likes of Hillary and Obama.

    I think he compliments Obama very well, and it's a great ticket.

  2. He is a very angry man which will no doubt come out in the upcoming campaign. I am not a fan because he has known nothing but politics!

  3. He's a frequent basher of obama so I'm shocked obama chose him!


  4. I wanted him to be the presidential nominee so I am thrilled!

  5. Lack if media coverage, Paul and Romney got left out too.

  6. He is not an egotistical man at all. I have also lost a child & something happens where you are different after that. You are strong as nails but you aren't going to grab anyone's limelight. I think you have to trust everything is in perfect divine right order cause when that happens it feel like nothing is in order. So I think he just trusted if he was meant to be Pres. he would & it not he would be where he was supposed to be & now look, he is preparing to be VP. I love Joe Biden.

  7. I was a big fan of Biden, too.  He was out-shined by some very interesting candidates that were on the stage with him.  And Dodd, who is basically equivalent to him, didn't do him much good, either.

  8. Biden oh you mean the plagirist who is also a part time racist that Joe Biden oh wait I forgot only republicans can be racist my bad

    Biden said: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. not joking."

    or this when refering to Obama

    Biden explained Obama's appeal as a presidential candidate by calling him "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

    Honestly ask yourself if Biden were Republican would he have gotten away with those quotes

  9. Well,it's par for the course for Dems to do things a** backwards.  The guy with the experience get's dumped over the empty suit.

  10. The Clinton and Obama campaigns simply got so much in the way of campaign contributions that people like Biden, Chris Dodd, etc. could not compete.  Biden was acknowledged by many to have done very well in the debates and to have run a good campaign, but he could not overcome Hillary's and Obama's fund raising successes.

    David Brooks, the conservative columnist, praised Biden yesterday in his column and stated:

    "Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden. "  

    I linked the column below so you can read it if you wish :)

  11. I'm excited. I think its a winning combo.

  12. He's a blowhard.

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