
Joe Biden did it ?

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Hey, if Joe Biden can be home every night so he can fulfill his responsibilities as a dedicated father, why can't Sarah Palin do the same to be with her infant child?




  1. lol you dont do your research very well do you?oh to the person who said she is going to be ripped to shreds.have you not been paying attenion?she has 13 years in total experince at ripping people apart herself.i was a obama supporter but i have to go with the real experince least shes done more than vote yes or no or just say present...

  2. Because she's a Republican.

  3. She does, she doesn't have to report to you. And when is Barry the Inexperienced going to spend time with his kids?

  4. The messiah Sarah Palin is going to get ripped to shreds.  It's only just begun.

  5. She will get a lot of free domestic help if she is VP. But you should consider the fact that her teenage son went to school in Portage Michigan for a year so he could improve his hockey skills and possibly get a spot on the Wings. This self styled "hockey mom" never visited him even once during that time.

  6. Did what... serviced you last night?

  7. Because his kids were not newborns they were at a stage of separating from their mommy. A child like Sarah's has different needs. She is a selfish, thoughtless person for not putting her child first. Joe's kids were at the age where they go off to school & play & you can call them. This baby needs the physical mom there. Why wouldn't a mother want be with her child. Her husband is oil guy we don't know about these people but if he is loaded with money what message is she sending about familty values. Joe wasn't running for VP there is a big difference in the jobs. He was not under investigation for mis-using power.
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