
Joe Biden or Sarah Palin?

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Who helps the ticket more? I think Sarah helps the McCain ticket more than Joe helps the Obama ticket.




  1. Joe Biden. Palin is a scary joke when it comes to the Vice Presidency.  

  2. I'm gonna go with Biden, has anyone heard this lady Palin, she is nuts

  3. I think the Sarah Palin pick emphasizes John McCain's claim of being a maverick in Washington while Barrack Obama's pick of Joe Biden contradicts Obama call for change.  If Joe Biden is an example of change, he certainly has had time to do that during the last thirty years in office to no avail.  McCain has certainly stirred it up a bit with this choice.

    It certainly doesn't send McCain voters running over to the Obama camp but it will influence the vote of younger women that cherish the idea of a woman in as Vice President, and someday, maybe as President.

    I think the answer is obviously Palin.  If nothing else, she definitely is the bigger story.  

  4. Biden, no contest.

    Whoever picks Palin is just some horny dude.

  5. Joe is so yesterday, and Sarah is so refresh!

  6. Biden

  7. I'd much rather sleep with Palin, but that's just me.

    Edit:I see your addon and agree that Palin will bring in much more votes to McCain than Biden will for Barack. Mainly white, working class women will identify with and probably like her regardless of her views. Basically:some women will definitely vote for McCain just b/c he has a female VP. Yes it's wrong and stupid, but that's how it works and denying it is beyond stupid. I also think that this clinches the election for McCain, wait for the new polls in September.

  8. NO the question is Obama or McCain.


  9. Biden was a good choice for Obama because he needs adult supervision.  

    Paulin is the choice if you really want change.

  10. Do you really need to ask. Palin will change our national American sport from baseball to hunting and eating moose.

  11. For V.P.? Joe Biden.

    For s*x on the beach? Sarah Palin.

    EDIT: TO Vern C, the guy who said that people need to watch Rush Limbaugh for a show about truth. YOU are what is wrong with America. You think Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth? You think Fox News is Fair and Balanced too? WAKE UP

  12. What's the difference. They are both politicians!

  13.    Wow,l tough one.  A very, VERY old school, dyed in the wool politician, with years and years of Senatorial experience.........or.......

       An ex-Municipal Mayor and current Governor who has spent numerous years Managing, Administering, Budgeting and dealing with ALL the problems of a Government, who is NOT Washington tainted or dirty with the crust of the political sewer.

       HArd choice, but I'll take Palin over Biden today, next year and in fact, in my NEXT life !

  14. Biden, reluctantly. He is at least prepared to do something with Iraq. I like Obama's policies better.  

  15. Joe Biden completely.

  16. Sarah Palin

  17. I think Palin's going to do the same thing Obama's been doing, but attack Biden with it.

    Biden IS their ticket.  Palin just seals the deal for cons.  This has been the most historic race in my life time.

  18. In a head-on contest, Biden hands down.  I like Palin more though, and she could very well have a more profound effect on the outcome of the election than Biden. Hint hint

  19. Sarah Palin.

  20. Biden is clearly the better VP choice.  Palin helps McCain with staunch conservatives but frightens everybody else!

  21. Let's see Congress approval rating 9% = Biden and everyone else there

    Palin 80% approval rating in her state.

    People are tired of politicians in Washington and the Democrats are offering what? Two more washington politicians

  22. I think Biden helps - Palin just crushed any chance at all that McCain would win the election.

  23. Palin definitely.

    I don't think Biden affects the race.  He doesn't hurt Obama, but I don't know that he really adds anything.  He's kind of the guy everybody has heard of but don't really have an opinion about.  I do feel that Obama made a mistake in not going with a woman.  I would have picked Kathleen Sebelius.  Very good track record as a governor.

    Palin helps McCain with the very group that he needs most and is least likely to vote for him, which are Evangelical Christians.  They are a huge bloc in this country.  No Republican can win without them. No less a person than Geraldine Ferraro says that Palin may well be the difference for McCain.

    But time will tell.  Biden may prove to be a better campaigner and Palin might stumble.

    All in all I'm glad to see this election go beyond the usual suspects.

  24. mccain is an older more experienced person whos running for president with a younger less experienced VP nominee

    obama is a younger less experienced candidate running for president with an older more experienced VP nominee. i think u know whos the better choice. so in other words sarah helped mccain with the younger and woman vote, while biden helped obama with just the older vote. so sarah helped mccain the most

  25. More contributors to answers should take time to watch the debates and news briefs, rush limbaugh and mr. savage. pay attention to the shows that prove their out the truth, not all the personal uneducated comments that permeate this venue.As for joe or susan, they are both honorable and I would have a hard time at this point to give criticism about either. I will choose to vote for Palin because she has already proven herself  and that is experience enough.

  26. Palin.. no doubt about it. I will give Biden credit on one big plus I see in him.  He recognizes that high taxes on businesses are part of the problem causing outsourcing.

    Although I admit that she needs a bit more time to really be able to fill the role of president.  But then so does Obama yet he is trying to run directly for the office.

  27. its sad really,biden has more experience than mccain,palin and obama COMBINED! yet hes only a vp nominee.

  28. Well, for VP I would say Joe Biden. Barck Obama, obviously thought through his choice.

  29. Biden for experience and wisdom.  Palin for looks.

  30. Biden for his foreign policy experience and elan.  Palin for...for...I can't think of a thing.

  31. NO CONTEST- Biden, Palin can work at the daycare tho. (but CERTAINLY not with any of my children, I wouldnt let her take care of my dog)

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