
Joe Biden said that failure is unnavoidable?

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Last night Joe Biden said that failure is unnavoidable, but giving up is unforgiveable. If that's true, then what does that mean for the Democrats who wanted to cut and run from Iraq?




  1. You mean cut and run like the Bush administration is working out with Iraq right now? that line doesn't really work anymore since the Bush admin. decided to take Obama's advice and is arranging a timetable for withdrawal

  2. More republican twists and lies. Can republican say at least one TRUTH for change ?

  3. Mark your question actually says more about you

    Is it really that small that you have to find strength and reassurance in putting down the words and works of GOOD people

    See a therapist or get an implant

  4. The first three answers are clueless!

    Two years ago violence in Iraq was high therefore we were in no position to leave.  The situation has improved tenfold (if you don't recognize that then you are just kidding yourself).  Furthermore, Bush and Maliki working out a deal for troop withdrawl isn't "cutting and running" it's what happens when a war has been successfully won.

    Do you guys actually know anything about military operations or just what you read on

  5. Notice how the Dems cant admit they were wrong for demanding a cut and run? Notice how they cant admit that Bush was right? Notice how they have nothing new to say? Notice how they now accuse the republicans for cutting and running when victory is at hand? Typical liberal re-writes of history!

  6. Mark, your question only makes sense if we accept your definition of what the Democrats were suggesting.  But, unfortuantely, we don't.

    Bush is now doing, and al Maliki is now requesting, precisely the same thing the Democrats were suggesting at least two years ago.  So if the Democrats wanted to cut and run, then I guess the Republicans now agree--at least by your definition.

  7. It means we're extremely patriotic and America loving citizens who understand and are willing to carry the burden of convenient misinterpretations if it means our sons and daughters can come home from a war predicated on fiction. That's what it means. I don't understand how conservatives can put the welfare of a 3rd world country who could care less about democracy before the welfare of it's own American soldiers.

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