
Joe Biden says he is a Zionist, are you a Zionist???

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Thanks plugs, if we didn't already know you were an idiot, this confirms it.




  1. A Zionist is a Jew or a Christian who does not merely support Israel's right to exist, but insist it is their divine right. That God has called them to occupy the land they ultimately lost around 135 A.D. and has never been restored to them. Christian Zionists believe that the Jews will build their final temple on Mt. Zion, where their 1st and 2nd temples were located and where the Muslim temple, considered their third most holy spot, where they claim Mohammed ascended to heaven, exists at present. The rumour is that plans are being made even now for temple sacrifice as per the Old Testament Law. These Christians believe that this is one mark or sign of the Last Days before Jesus returns.

    I am an evangelical believer, but not a Zionist. I believe God had called the Jews as his people to be an example and a light to all the other nations. And he blessed them through numerous covenants or divine treaties. But that was completed with the coming of Jesus Christ our Messiah, the Church having replaced the Jews as God's people with Jesus as the Light.

    Palestine certainly has historical and spiritual significance for the Jews, not just the Palestinians. But, when Jews started to emigrate from Eastern Europe and the USSR starting in the late 19th century, right up to WWorld War 2, Britain, Canada, Australia, and  the USA., acting I believe with bigotry, refused them immigration status and turned them away. Many leaders over those decades made it a Jewish dream to repopulate Palestine. The British and the U.N. messed it up, making it more problematic. Zionists support the Jewish cause only, while other Christians will not take sides, or if they do support Israel, want equal justice for Palestinians. I believe that Jesus will return sometime, not for the Zionists, but for those who truly have devoted their lives to follow him.

  2. Someone who wants to see the nation of Israel preserved?  Not really.  I think the Palestinians have received a raw deal, which can't be justified by the Holocaust.

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