
Joe Biden wanted to split Iraq up into three sections. How do you feel about this idea?

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Joe Biden wanted to split Iraq up into three sections. How do you feel about this idea?




  1. Since Iraq does not want to and it is their country I say no.  I do see why Biden said it originally though, since Iraq has been on the cusp of a civil war and all.  

  2. Its a start.

    Personally I think we should have split it up into 100-trillion-trillion tiny particles.

  3. Joe Biden suffers from the Churchill complex.  He wants to do the same thing that Churchill did in Berlin after WW2, split it up into zones.Seems to me he is just copying old ideas, as he did when running for President and copying Kinnick's speeches.  The Iraquis dismissed the idea as juvenile.

  4. Just get out of Iraq and let them decide.

  5. You know they have put walls up around neighborhoods in Iraq to keep people in and to keep others out.  They have been split up, religiously and tribally, forever, so how would it matter?  There are the Sunnis, the Shiites and the Kurds, and they are divided up into all kinds of tribes.  Maybe if they each had a boundary and just split ALL of the oil revenue, they could live side by side...and get rich!

    ADD:  Would just like to add that the poster below me, "Colleen" is right!  And, Joe Biden is right!

  6. V.P. Biden was spot-on for the issues then at hand. Three may sound good for the citizens of the former Iraq, but this is also an opportunity to deal with that other problem in the Middle East, so....

    How about dividing it into FOUR sections, giving the fourth section to the Palestinians?  They've not made any progress in getting a country of their own where they are now.  I doubt they'd get a better deal from Israel.  There's plenty of land in Iraq, and plenty of wealth in the Middle East to get them started.  Somthing not just to think about, but to act upon.  

  7. Pointless as his stance on P2P networks. This man is an idiot, what a mistake. Change my *** same old politics.

    Great cut up a nation like it's a pizza. That makes no sense. Will it stop the fighting? No. Does the US have any sort of rights to do this? No.  

  8. Iraq has basically already split itself into those very same three pieces.  Biden called for a loose federation with each region having a lot of autonomy.  That very model is in reality what is taking shape, except that the central government cannot get its act together in order to pass very much legislation and the Shiites are trying to put the screws to the Sunnis once again.  The Shiites basically engaged in ethnic cleansing and millions of Sunnis have fled to Syria and Jordan or relocated into other parts of Iraq and the Kurds run the north themselves and even set up their own oil agreements.  There are some areas where the Shia and Sunnis live in close proximity peacefully, but by and large the country has segregated itself.  So, unofficially the Iraqis have basically done what Biden proposed.

  9. The USA is split into 50 sections, so it looks like a workable model. Iraq has no Senate.

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