
Joe Frazier vs Sonny Liston both in there prime?

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Who wins




  1. wow great? id say tko goes to liston

  2. The brute truth here is Liston was sixties Mike Tyson and wouldn't have had a big problem with smoking Joe.Ali's fans here delude themselves into believing Liston was beat by him;he wasn't the ffights were  rigged and people can thumbs down all they wish but they know as well as I it was,Liston on 10 of the ights I have was a menace and very much a powerful and destructive force who despite Joe's ability to take it on the chin would have been stopped by Liston,probably rnd 12.whatever your name is,check out the fights bro,I think its you who are smoking somat,the fights were fixed,look when Liston gets up to early and embarres Walcot,your having a laugh mate,both were rigged and you know it!!ps,millions of others know it as well only dare'nt speak their minds,grow up!

  3. I think Sonny Liston wins this by knockout in about four rounds.  Why?  Joe's style is dangerous susceptible to the big clubbing punchers (Foreman).  Liston is the same type of fighter, just not quite as big.  Joe needs to be able to absorb a fighter's best shot to get inside a deliver his own.  Very few had the ability to withstand a direct hit from Sonny Liston.  If you know anything about him, he had essentially the same devastating knockout ability that a young Mike Tyson possessed.

  4. Wow, Untouchable, what the heck are you smoking? I want some. That seems like Grade A stuff if it makes you say stuff like that. For real, hook it up. You have to be on something to believe Ali didn't beat Liston fair and square (the first time).

    I am going to go against the current on this question. Yeah, Liston was very strong. He was 215 vs Ali, Foreman was 224 when he beat up Joe. Foreman also is 3 1/2" taller with a longer reach and naturally stronger than Liston.  

    Liston IS compared to Tyson alot, and it is true. They are both big punchers ... and bullies who back down when they find out somebody is coming to fight for real. And they are both cheaters. Liston loved to rub a chemical to his gloves that would burn his opponents eyes. Ali suffered that in their 1st bout. So yes, they are similar. Joe would come in with his "A game".

    I think Frasier comes in and starts banging the body of Liston. Liston will connect also with some hard shots. But the difference would be Liston's fear and Frazier's speed. Like Tyson, and unlike Foreman, Liston could not take real pressure, Frazier is a pressure fighter.

    Great match up, I wish we could see it, because it COULD go either way. But people give Liston too much respect in terms of his skill. If Joe does not get caught in the early rounds, he has the win, no doubt. Either by KO or Liston quitting like he did twice vs Ali.

    I am not usually a betting man, but if this fight happened, I'd easily throw money on Frazier and clean up on all of you who think Liston would win.

  5. Sonny Liston actually was quite underrated as a fighter. He had an absolutely killer jab and most fighters of his era ducked him. As for his sudden demise, Liston never knew how old he was, but guesses have been as high as over 40. If Ali was as good as advertising, and I think he was, I don't think he needed a fix to beat anyone including Liston.

    In terms of your fight, my guess is that Frazier would take a pounding trying to get inside and wind up losing. If he could figure out a way to inflict some damage, he might have a shot.

  6. I can't get the image of Forman's destruction of Frazier out of my mind, and Liston was similar to Big George.  I think this is a bad fight for Joe.  Joe would try to walk through fighters by trading with them, and it would have played right into the teeth of Liston's power.  It would have been an epic slug fest for the short time it lasted, but I don't see Frazier doing well in this one.

    Liston by KO over Frazier.

  7. Sonny Liston, hands down.  Joe Frazier had great difficulty fighting bigger, stronger and more powerful opponents, as shown by his two huge KO losses to George Foreman.  Liston was shorter than George and only about a couple of inches taller than Frazier, but he was a huge heavyweight who hit harder than Big George.  Besides, Sonny was faster and more skilled than Foreman.  He punched in short and crisp combinations and had a decent defense consisting of blocking, parrying and head movement.  Foreman didn't care about defense and simply tried to overpower his opponents that during the second Frazier fight, he got tagged a number of times with Joe's famous left hook.  Liston, on the other hand, was hard to tag unless you're as fast as Cassius Clay, which Frazier wasn't.  He wouldn't just overpower Frazier, he'll outbox him in the early rounds with his powerful jab and then finish him off inside 5 rounds.

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