
Joe he or isn't he?

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supposedly a Democrat, or an Independent is supposed to be speaking at the RNC? Wth? Is this guy nuts or what?




  1. He's a neuter. He wants to be with God and the Devil. An attention seeker who votes with the Democrats to organize the Senate. But now as the Democrats will win a majority his vote won't be necessary anymore. So the traitor can become a Republican, even though they didn't nominate him for VP.

  2. Neoconservative but it's very telling about the Democratic party they put this Neocon on their Presidential ticket. Why would the Republicans have to steal an election if that's what the Democrats not only tolerate but put on their ticket? He's a leading member of the Neocon "think tank" The Committee on the Present Danger that is pushing for war with Iran no less than the PNAC was pushing for war with Iraq as early as 1998 sending President Clinton a letter he should invade signed by a lot of future Bush administration members including Rumsfield


    If the Democrats want to ever be a real progressive alternative they should throw Neoconservative submarines and traitors like Lieberman out instead of pampering and cathering to their whims

  3. Are you new to politics?

    The Democrats stabbed Joe in the back because of his support for the war. He supports McCain because they are friends and he believes winning the war is the most important issue.

  4. he is confused. He is democratically leaning independent who is republican when it comes to the war.  

  5. Your kidding, right? Lieberman is the Israeli ambassador. He is a neocon through & through;-]

  6. He's an Independent.  That means he is INDEPENDENT.  No, he's not crazy, he's more concerned about issues than party affiliation.

  7. he was the Democrat vp nominee with al gore.

    but after gore sunk that ship democrats blamed joe.and said he was unelectable.

    this forced him to run as a independent..where he beat the pants off the puppet nancy pelosi had planed to put in that position..

    he knows all about the dnc you should listen to him .

    there is no one on the planet that can or will tell you what is going on better than him

  8. well he is an independent...what's the problem?

  9. Have you been living in a cave for the last few years?  Lieberman has been buddying up to the Republicans for a long time.  

  10. He was a democrat until the state Democrats decided they didnt like him having a mind of his own They fixed the primary election in his state to try and get someone in there that would stay in lockstep with the liberal nutjobs in the party. he came back in the general as an independent and won anyway. I have said repeatedly he is the only liberal senator i respect. That is alot of the reason why. I disagree with him on policy in most cases, but ya gotta give the guy kudos for being upright and sticking to his guns.

  11. Well it seems that McCain and Lieberman are actually good friends. It seems these 2 can Actually reach across the isle and work together. Or they can disagree and still be civil.  WOW what a concept, what a great new thing for Washington

  12. Did you know that Lieberman was McCain's choice for VP?

    The republicans said if he chose him they would walk out of the convention.

    So I would assume, in a huff, he picked Palin without vetting her.

    Shows you want kind of president  he would be. He sounds like he has some deep mental problems for sure!

  13. He is an independent. he beat the Democrat for the Senate. the Dems wanted to punish him for being bipartisan and they lost a great leader.

  14. He's an Independent.  Why is it nutty to back a specific person rather than just whoever your party likes?  I think it's great.

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