
Joe Lieberman said that we should put country before party. Is he correct or a just tool of the GOP?

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Keeping in mind that the Republican leadership informed John McCain that there would be "open revolt" on the floor of the convention if Lieberman was selected as McCain's VP pick.

So it sounds like the GOP leadership and McCain ultimately put party before country.




  1. Lieberman is not a tool of the GOP. he's just a tool.

  2. lieberman was dem beore they turned his back on him for being pro-america and he went ind. in the election and kicked the c**p out of the dem canditate. go joe

  3. your analysis is entirely correct.

    what with this "Country First" slogan, reminds one of "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer", doesn't it?

    and who is this country anyway, but just a bunch of 300 million *individuals* who each all have some notion of living in peace, prosperity, and freedom?

    we've regressed from the more-or-less libertarianism of the Founding Fathers to the pseudofascist Neocon-infested Republican Party that have already brainwashed the rest of us that only they have the franchise on what's best for the country...

  4. Lieberman is a traitor to his party, a party who paid into his reelection campaign to get him reelected.

    There isn't anything illegal at all about that, but d**n, if you take their money, stay on their side, don't announce you switched.

    Don't let Democrats thinking they were voting to have their views represented wake up and find out they elected a fake.

    Its slimy.

  5. Some kinda "Maverick" huh?? He couldn't even pick his own VP.

    Lieberman is a lost soul Politically! Can you imagine what a team that would of been-McCain & Lieberman?

    Joe is "confused" if he is a Democrat,Independent or a Republican! McCain is "confused" about how many homes he has, and has now flip flopped on the "experience issue."

    What a good Dumb & Dumber sequel that would make!

  6. Counrty should always come first.  Too bad the daemoncrats can do little more than make fun of such statements.

    Also an awful lot of dems seem to get heartburn when asked if we should place our country above others in our considerations.  


  7. Lieberman is nobody's tool.  At least, as far as one can see, he makes his own decisions, rather than blindly following a party agenda.  It's rather puzzling that he still caucuses with the Democrats, a party that tried to remove him from the Senate, by nominating someone over him in the last election.  

  8. He appears to be afraid of what will happen to this country if the people blindly elect Obama. He is a smart man, with more guts than most politicians on either side.

  9. He put his country before his party first when he voted against CUTTING OFF FUNDING FOR OUR TROOPS.

    Democrats tried desperately to derail US success in Iraq, from Harry Reid and Joe Biden declaring the "surge" was a failure before it even started to claiming we had lost the war, it couldn't be won, (even thought they voted for the use of force). All in the interest of damaging the public opinion of the Republican party. THAT is what Lieberman meant by putting his country before his effed up party.

  10. do you love this nation? if not, too bad. put the nation before party. without the u.s. const. we would not have a nation to deal with or political, which is free speech.

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