
Joe Torre and Rick Caruso pull out to buy Los Angeles Dodgers – MLB News

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Joe Torre and Rick Caruso pull out to buy Los Angeles Dodgers – MLB News
The Los Angeles Dodgers’ are yet to settle the late new ownership issues which were promised to finalise before the 2012 Major League Baseball season, but due to lengthy and much complicated process, the situation is getting worse.
Lately two very good potential buyers of the club including Joe Torre and Rick Caruso withdraw their names from bidding due to Dodgers current owner’s stubborn approach of excluding the parking lots of Dodgers’ stadium out from the bidding process.
"We felt that operationally it would be impossible to effectively manage baseball operations having the parking lots that surround the stadium under separate ownership," Caruso and Torre wrote in their letter to Rob Manfred, the MLB executive representing the league in the Dodgers' sale. "We believed that during the bid process we would have the opportunity to buy the lots. It has now been made clear to us by Mr. McCourt that the lots are not and will not be for sale."
This is not the first time as the Dodgers’ parking lots have created this kind of vague situation for the bidders, but previously, this has also been reported earlier at the start of the bidding process that almost every bidder was confused why the Dodgers’ management is making the parking lots much of an issue instead of giving some extra liberty to all the potential bidders.
The potential bidders are all professional individuals and know how to run a sports franchise’s affairs, also agree on a single fact as if some franchise takes too much time on deciding what their initial perspective is, than this will make things more complicated for all the potential bidders and for the potential owners in the long run as well.
The current owner Frank McCourt has rejected the idea of including the Dodgers’ Stadium parking lots in the deal. He is also facing much criticism from every baseball critics. Experts and some former Major League players think his attention is a total waste of time and if his advisers did not tell him what was wrong with what he has been doing for the past few months, the Dodgers’ sale will result in failure.



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