
Joe calzaghe v Bernard Hopkins England prevails over the Americans?

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Joe beats your best ever boxer...

and don't say its because he is 43

because Joe is 37

your man was to scared to fight he kept holding and cheating

Joe gave you Americans a boxing lesson to remember....




  1. Yeah that would make sense if Calzaghe were English..But he's Welsh. And I'm sure if Calzaghe lost you would have said the Welsh fighter lost to the American, not "our" English fighter. And us Americans have no problem with the Welsh, their very respectable and classy people. They weren't ape like as the English were and booed the US national anthem during the Hatton fight.  And what happened to him? Wasn't that England's next big thing? Calzaghe is twice the man and boxer Hatton will ever be. And he beat Hopkins fair and square. I'm sure people from Wales never said "Oh Ricky Hatton is such a great Welsh fighter" And the only person who said Hopkins was our best ever was you my friend. Anyhow,

    Congratulations to Joe Calzaghe and the all the nice Welsh people who mad the trip to Vegas and back in Wales..Good fight.

  2. joe is welsh you fool

  3. Remember that Princess Harry, the next time Germany is bombing the c**p out of you, and you need us to protect you!!

    Maybe you should read a history book! As a country we are undefeated against you!

    As individuals boxers, the numbers are way in our favor as well!

  4. England prevails over the Americans ? Ok, How many times in the past 100 years ?

    One fight doth not a winner make.

    Do me a favor and Go to :

    And count how many times a fighter from England has beaten an American fighter.

    Your "record" should be somewhere in the figure of: 105-4064 vs. US born boxers (white,black or latino)

    Better yet Go the Olympics website and find out how many Gold, Silver and Bronze medals the Uk has won over Americans.

    Exactly, U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!!

  5. Ming - read a history book!!!! Washington was under pressure for a while (by Churchill) to get involved in the war. France was under German occupation. Britian was being bombed by air regularly. Hitler wanted world domination. "Us Yanks, along with the Russians, bailed your asses out!

    From the anti-American rhetoric here, it's pretty obvious just how much you all remember and appreciate it!

    Enjoy your British fighters win, (against a 43 yr old American) but your nationalism is extreme. I can't help but wondering if the anti American thing coming due to a severe case of jealousy? British fighters on a whole aren't very successful against Americans. But you'd have to look at another history book to realize that!

  6. dude shuttup, this was a really close fight and hop did his thing. The old man even dropped your boy in the first. Joe showed me nothing, all he did was outhustle a 43 year old a little. other than that hopkins had him.

  7. Unless you are black I think you wanted Bernard Hopkins to get it.

  8. It's obvious that the fight was PAID FOR ... you limeys couldnt fight your way out of a paper bag.  I think your avatar is making you mean.  

    Bush could probably kick his a**.  He's pretty buff.  And then it would be cool if your Wales dude kicks his behind.  That would rock.  You can pick him up this Friday .... 1600 Pennsylvania Ave ... think you can find it?   BUt if you take him you gotta take Cheney and Pelosi too.  They ALL suck.  

    All of our REAL boxers got too old.  If we can pry George Foreman from behind a desk ... but he must be 70 and way too old to fight ... CAssius Clay has Parkinson's I think.  It's all the d**n chemicals that our factories are pumping into the water and everything else.  They're poisoning us.  Wait til it's your turn ... they want to bump off about 80% of the population by 2010 ... since we are ascending in 2012.

    I just figured it out ... you're an empath.  That's why you've been the way you are for the last week.  There was a shift in the hertz rate on Sunday and it took another jump.  We're moving towards 13 Hertz by 2012 but each jump has an affect on Empaths ... have you been getting headaches and feeling kinda dizzy in the last 5 days?  If so, you need to join the Empath group on Yahoo.  Jad is the founder but he just died on April 8th.  Everyone, even YOU, are going to ascend to a 4th & 5th dimensional being on or before December 21, 2012.  There will most likely be galactic parties all over celebrating the fact.  You Brits will maintain your stern vestige and a stiff upper lip and try to ignore but but even YOU will not be able to stop yourself from upgrading.

    So, don't worry about which boxer can beat whom since all YOU have to worry about is whether I can beat you into the ground or not ... in your reality you do not need to worry about any Light heavy weight boxing champs ... you're gonna have to fight to keep the 8th graders from "initiating" you.

    My favorite saying is "There's always somebody Bigger" but at 1/8 ton, solid muscle, and able to put my Harley in the back of my truck with my bare hands, I sure as h**l haven't seen him ... but I know he';s out there ...

    Also, this just in ... it shows the music of England, Scotland, and WALES.  Folk Music of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and America.  Apparently Wales is not part of England but sounds like it's in Great Britain.  I don't know how you guys divvy it up but it sounds like your Super Boxer is from Wales.  But then William and Harry are from Wales aren't they and they're royalty ... wow ... but anyway ... it's NOT England that prevailed ... it's Wales!  I'm part Scottish and you probably stole Wales from Scotland at one time or another just like we stole Hawaii but it puts your statement in grievous error.

    You see, the English are usually pasty and skinny and wouldn't be able to defend themselves in Los Angeles or Chicago or New York, on the streets, so I thought your statement was somehow fixed, especially after seeing your past performance this week, but now we have you.  USA doesn't mind getting beaten by Wales b/c the REAL men are from Wales.

    But I'm done beating you up .... can I drop you anywhere?


    Peace my Light Green Brother

  9. You need a boxing match like this one to finally say you beat the Americans?  And from what the others are saying, he is not even from England.  Get your facts right...wanker.

  10. for all you dip s***s heres 2 points . firstly joe was born in london so that makes him english unlike you plastic finians , secondly why say about us talking german? was we ever invaded?  no no no ill make a 3rd point your independence was brought about by the french so say a big thank you to paris . 4th point when was the last decent white boxer to come out of america?and why is it none of your top boxers travel?. and for the c**k who was yank bashing you are just as clueless as half the muppets on here who know nothing about history or facts

  11. Joe gave Hopkins a ***** slapping, but Hopkins is no more a representative of America than Naz is a representative of the average Englishman.  Get real, you guys would be seig heiling your furor if we didn't come over there and save you from the Germans during WWII.  It was a boxing match, that all, the nationalistic banter is most likely a result of one too many beers, you English can never drink like we Irish, and you obviously still celebrating Joe's victory.  When you wake up tomorrow wash down a couple of asprin's with a glass of buttermilk, and take your hangover to church and thank God Joe didn't walk into Kelly Pavlik's right hand in the first round, Pavlik isn't 43 or Black, but Joe wouldn't have made it out of the first round against a younger fighter.

    You want a boxing lesson, watch the Mayweather/Hatton tape, Floyd doesn't slap with his punches.

  12. Whooo there pal! Joe Calzaghe didnt beat Americans.. he beat an American who most Americans dont like.

    I was in a room full of Americans and everyone was cheering for Joe. Hopkins isnt my man at all, he is a loud mouthed jerk.

    Now if Joe takes on a Pavlik or Taylor later down the road then I'll have to side with them. But this time, most of America was in Joe's corner.

  13. Viva Joe...the new sheriff in town....Viva Joe....the new man in the block.....Viva Joe...what else to say..Joe is good boxer ever come out of Europe in the last 30 years? clean cut guy, good nature, well spoken, intelligent, good looks, what else...poor hopman never had a chance

  14. no, you tool,

    WALES prevails over USA..

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