
Joey Wheeler Cards?

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can anyone list for me what cards are in joey wheeler's most recent deck..meaning the kc grand championship cards he used ...and any ones he normally uses such as red eyes black dragon...etc thanks




  1. no offense dude but u still use those things

  2. here it is:

    Card #      Card Name

    SDJ-001  Red-Eyes B. Dragon  

    SDJ-002  Swordsman of Landstar  

    SDJ-003  Baby Dragon  

    SDJ-004  Spirit of the Harp  

    SDJ-005  Island Turtle  

    SDJ-006  Flame Manipulator  

    SDJ-007  Masaki the Legendary Swordsman  

    SDJ-008  7 Colored Fish  

    SDJ-009  Armored Lizard  

    SDJ-010  Darkfire Soldier #1  

    SDJ-011  Harpie's Brother  

    SDJ-012  Gearfried the Iron Knight  

    SDJ-013  Karate Man  

    SDJ-014  Milus Radiant  

    SDJ-015  Time Wizard  

    SDJ-016  Maha Vailo  

    SDJ-017  Magician of Faith  

    SDJ-018  Big Eye  

    SDJ-019  Sangan  

    SDJ-020  Princess of Tsurugi  

    SDJ-021  White Magical Hat  

    SDJ-022  Penguin Soldier  

    SDJ-023  Thousand Dragon  

    SDJ-024  Flame Swordsman  

    SDJ-025  Malevolent Nuzzler  

    SDJ-026  Dark Hole  

    SDJ-027  Dian Keto the Cure Master  

    SDJ-028  Fissure  

    SDJ-029  De-Spell  

    SDJ-030  Change of Heart  

    SDJ-031  Block Attack  

    SDJ-032  Giant Trunade  

    SDJ-033  The Reliable Guardian  

    SDJ-034  Remove Trap  

    SDJ-035  Monster Reborn  

    SDJ-036  Polymerization  

    SDJ-037  Mountain  

    SDJ-038  Dragon Treasure  

    SDJ-039  Eternal Rest  

    SDJ-040  Shield & Sword  

    SDJ-041  Scapegoat  

    SDJ-042  Just Desserts  

    SDJ-043  Trap Hole  

    SDJ-044  Reinforcements  

    SDJ-045  Castle Walls  

    SDJ-046  Waboku  

    SDJ-047  Ultimate Offering  

    SDJ-048  Seven Tools of the Bandit  

    SDJ-049  Fake Trap  

    SDJ-050  Reverse Trap

  3. well here is a playable deck... but you wont really bet anyone.... maybe tai


    Lv 6 and higher

    Red Eyes Black Dragon

    Gilford the Lightning

    Gearfried The Swordmaster

    Thousand dragon


    2x Cyber Dragon

    Lv 4 and lower

    Baby dragon

    Sasuke Samurai

    Panther warrior

    2xGearfried The iron knight

    2x Marauding Captain

    3x exiled Force

    2x Rocket Warrior

    Time Wizard

    2x Goblin Attack Force

    Command Knight

    Hayabusa Knigt

    Little Wingguard

    Destiny Hero Disk Commander

    Treeborn Frog

    Mobius the Frost Monarch

    3xRed Eyes Baby Chick



    Giant Trunade

    Allure of Darkness

    Shield and Sword

    Heavy Storm

    3xRelease Restraint

    Graceful Dice

    Premature Burial

    Pot of Greed

    Graceful Charity

    Monster Reborn


    Harpies Feather Duster


    Magical Arm Shield

    Bottomless trap Hole

    Bell of Destruction

    Call of the Haunted

    Skull Dice

    Mirror Force

    i have no idea how many cards that is?!

  4. This is his real deck

    -Baby Dragon

    -Flame Sword Man

    -Time Wizard


    -Armored Lizard

    -Thousand Dragon

    -Red - Eyes B. Dragon

    -Flame Manipulator

    -Spirit Of The Harp

    -Big Eye

    -Princes Of Tsurugi

    -Masaki The Legendary Swordsman

    -Dragon Treasure

    -Malevolent Nuzzler


    -Dark Hole

    -Dian Keto The Cure Master

    -Magician Of Faith

    -7 Colored Fish

    -Maha Vailo

    -Milus Radiant

    -Peguin Solder

    -Eternal Rest

    -Reverse Trap

    -Fake Trap

    -Swordman Of Lanstar

    -Shield & Sword



    -Trap Hole


    -Remove Trap

    -Monster Reborn



    -Castle Walls

    -Ultimate Offering

    -Change Of Heart

    -Seven Tools Of The Bandits

    -Just Desserts

    -Block Attack


    -The Reliable Guardian

    -Giant Trunade

    -Karate Man

    -Dark Fire Soldier

    -Harpie's Brother

    -Gearfried The Iron Knight

    -Island Turtle

    difrent with the original deck in Yu-Gi-Oh isn't?it's 50 card total,and with his side deck of course.


    scroll to the  bottom-ish

  6. theas are ALL the cards i know jowy had in his deck;


    swamp battle gard

    lava battel gard

    insect queen


    a legendary fisherman

    red-eyes black dragon

    red-eyes black mettle dragon

    copy cat

    hyabooster knight

    battle warrior

    baby dragon

    time wizerd

    karmariaor of the blue flames

    tiger axe

    axe rider

    goblin attack force

    swordsman of landstar

    gearfried the ioron knight

    greafried the sword master

    gilford the lightning

    armored lizerd

    alagater's sword


    panther warrior

    little-winged gard


    grasful dice

    skull dice

    energy drain

    giant trunade

    monster reborn

    pot of greed



    shild and sword

    legendary sword


    magical arm shield

    trap hole

    grave robber

    negate attack

    nutrient Z


    black skull dragon

    alagater's sword dragon

    thousend dragon


    claw of homos


    sheap token

    cards he took control of;

    somend skull (yugi)

    blue-eyes wite dragon (kiba)

    time mechein (kieth)

    enimy controler (kiba)

    that's all!! ^_^
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