
Jogging Basics?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I've decided that once the school year starts, I'm going to get up early and start jogging every morning. Basically, I need to know what those of you out there do in the area of:


Running Gear (shoes, shorts, etc.)

Length (time/distance)

Also...what advice would you give a beginner jogger? I mean, should I run constantly or run then walk then run, etc.?

Thanks =]




  1. Well, just to warm up, you should jog for 3 minutes and then stretch each individual area thoroughly. As for running gear, just some regular shorts (not cotton or anything really heavy) and a t-shirt. If it's cold outside, since it's in the morning, I suggest a long sleeve pullover. Some stores will have you try on shoes and walk in them to find the perfect shoes, so you should look some places up in your area. And for your actual workout, I'd recommend starting off just jogging 2 miles, walking in places if necessary. When/If your able to jog the whole time, increase your mileage over time. You should also try some sprints, hills, and ab workouts. Hope this helps.

  2. Stretching-Just your legs

    Running gear-NOT Basketball Shoe's, Just some regular Gym Shoe's Any type of shorts but not too long

    Doesn't matter about the time just keep how long it takes to run the distance and try to improve the time each time you run

    Distance-Start off with maybe a mile a when it becomes easy make it longer

    Something that really helps is listening to music if you have an iPod or an MP3 that makes running a lot easier and if you don't have one then just sing a song that you know well in your head listening to music keeps you from getting tired easily

  3. First of all - you don't need to wait for school to start... start jogging now!!

    After about a 5 minute walk you should stop and stretch out your legs a little bit. Hold each stretch for about 10 seconds.

    You can wear whatever you are comfortable in. For shoes I really like Asics Gel Kanayo's, but as a beginner jogger you probably don't need something that "fancy" - Asics has some other really good shoes.

    Personally, I would start with intervals. Jog for 30 seconds, walk a minute and repeat. Or do 1 minute jog, 2 minute walk. After awhile you can start in increase your jog time and decrease your walk time.
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