
Jogging On Mini Tramp VS. Jogging On Treadmill?

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Hey everyone, I have a questions for expert joggers/runners who have ever tried jogging on a mini trampoline. I have been running on the treadmill since September. I haven't lost any weight but at least feel I'm doing something good by running. I run 6 days a week for 3-3.5 miles at between 6-6.5 mph. Problem is, I have started developing very dibilitating pain in my joints, especially my right leg. Pain in knee, shin and ankle are causing me alot of pain when running. Doctor sees nothing abnormal on xrays. My question is this. Has anyone ever jogged/ran on a mini trampoline and are the benefits as good as the treadmill? I'd really like to know because I would hate to give up jogging altogether, but my legs are crapping out on me pretty quick. Thanks everyone!




  1. jogging on a trampoline is good because it takes focus off the energy and works on speed and fast twich response, it uses less enery than running but is just effective in different ways, treadmill and trampoline are great combinations for speed, agility and endurance. dont forget to go run outside though for running experiance variety

  2. hI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... This is lexie! I have a volleyball tournament tomorrow!! Wish me luck kikio!



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