
Jogging problem. Pains and how to stop them.?

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I've just been for a jog. I'm trying to get back into the habbit and get fit for a triathlon.

But whenever I do I get pains in my torso. I get several in my chest and it feels like it's about to be cracked open like a walnut. [Not as often anymore]

I also get them around my stomach which I think could be stitch. But it hurts so much that I can't run any more. I will either stop or collapse.

And that would have been from 1 piece of toast 2 hours ago.

How can I stop this stitch pain?

How long do I have to wait before jogging after a meal?

Any suggestions on the chest pains?

Thanks in advance.




  1. youre not eating enough protein and probably also lacking magnesium, calcium and potassium, check below for symptoms to see if you agree.

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