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How come i run out of breath so easily?

What can I do to make it stop?




  1. your fat

  2. that is called being UNFIT.

    to stop it run more often, your fitness level will increase and you will find you are able to run longer and harder before you get tired.

  3. run mor often to build endurance

  4. Run more often. Don't drink so much water before you run. And try not to focus too much on your breath.

  5. you need to start by walking faster and faster each time until you feel comfortable to start jogging. drink lots of water , eat well and do not smoke! exercise 3 times a week to increase endurance and eventually you'll do fine!

    good luck :)

    and remember, it takes time, results won't be immediate so be patient~

  6. you may be overworking yourself. try jogging 5 minutes, walking 5 minutes. also, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. don't forget to breathe!!

  7. your unfit.

    get fitter!

  8. you aren't adjusted to jogging for a certain distance, or time period.

    to stop this....

    try going the same distance everyday for about 2-3 weeks.

    by then your lungs will be adjusted to this movement.

    try going alittle farther for another 2-3 weeks.

  9. it is slow speed of runing

  10. try to control your breathing...but keep means your out of shape...

  11. run more often, you will get better. and dont stop right when u start running out of breath, cause if you do that you will not get better. try to run farther and farther everyday and it will become a lot easier ! :)

  12. i dont know the answer to the first question but to make it stop you keep on running a little longer then your body will last longer at running hope i helped!

  13. Well you should probably get better after a while

    And just take a rest sometimes in between to catch your breath if you feel that you're not doing so well

    But continuing will probably get your body used to it and eventually it will get easier and easier with practice
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