
Johann Georg Kessler violin

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  1.  I have one thst says johan georg kessler  markneukirchen I/sa anno 1924 . You say above that these were made  west germany circa 1950-1970.  Then why does mine say 1924  which is prior to east and west germsny since Germany split in 1949 into east and  west germany. 

    Sincerely dennis

  2.  I have a Johann George Kessler MARKNEUKIRCHEN i/Sa anno 1924. so since these violins were made circa 1950- 1970  does this mean that my violin is nort real?  


  3. Johann Georg Kessler violins were made in West Germany circa 1950-1970, and are somewhat rare.  They are well made from quality woods and have an appreciable sound.  The lable on the inside should say, "Johann Georg Kessler" with a picture of the Lighthouse near the bridge with the words "Bruno means security" beneath the lighthouse. In good condition, these violins can sale for $1,500 to $1,800.  I have seen some very foolish people sale these violins for less than $1,000.

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