
John Cena Has Serious Neck Problems ?

by Guest44671  |  earlier

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"According to a report by The Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online, John Cena is reportedly having serious problems with his neck that is causing numbness in one of his arms.

Cena had an MRI done on Saturday before the Raw house show at Madison Square Garden and when he returned to the arena he was describing his neck as being messed up pretty badly to those around him. Cena's neck issues was the reason the company booked him in tags over the weekend. He has yet to indicate to anyone if he was going to take time off to heal right now."


what do you think about this? and add anyother opinion




  1. no!!!!!!!!!!

    i dont want him to leave!

    i love him

  2. Yess!!! no more Cena for a while

  3. I Think Cena will be fine if  he gets the time off  that will rest his neck problems, and i don't think Vince would put him in any harm, so he will have no problem giving Cena time off, but other then that i  had no problem with the other users answers. because there fearing Cena would win the World Title again at unforgiven. now i agree with some of the other users saying it's not nice. it's just opinions and we must respect that

    As for Cena let's hope there not something more, he is  already telling WWE, with it being worse news then it is. right now WWE needs Cena because Orton is out. so if two main event stars are going to be out of action. then Raw is going to  have trouble bring in viewers

  4. Hmm. maybe they could use this to make it look like Batista injured him in a rematch and turn him heel

  5. Batista probably hurt him. Go Animal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. He's hurt. That's not good. I don't undersatnd why everyone is so happy. An injury isn't something to cheer about- no matter who it is

  7. I am so freaking sick of these new-age, bandwagon, internet nerd wrestling fans!  You are a bunch of freaking sheep who follow the trends set by a bunch of losers who don't know sh%$ about wrestling.  "Hey lets hate John Cena because he is one of the most dedicated wrestlers, who gives his blood and sweat for the business every freaking day" That's not enough now though you dorks are going to lament in the fact that the mans neck is now seriously injured, in the process of giving one of the best matches this year by LOSING to Batista!!  Get a life.  No one should ever be happy for someone getting hurt doing what they love.  I hate the Dallas Cowboys but it would be a cold day in h**l before I cheered about one of their players being hurt.  I wish you jackasses would run into Cena in person and tell him he sucked and you were happy he got hurt, he would tear you a new check that he probably would not because he is a classy guy who volunteers his time to terminally ill children and supports our Troops.  Get a life


    Im not happy he is hurt, but I am happy that this will free up media time for other wrestelrs that are more deserving of a chance. Now if something could just be done about that time hogging Batista.

  9. OMG, This is GREAT!

    Why do all of the bad things happen to good people? :( LOL! :)




  11. That really sucks. Stupid ECW Extremist, probably mad cause ECW Champ = Mark Henry, and John Cena lifted his fat a s s up for an FU. hah.

  12. You're gonna get alot of answers from a s s holes saying they're happy he's hurt.

    NO ONE deserves to be hurt, whether you like them or not. If that's for real, that seriously sucks, and I hope he feels better.

    If it's pain in his neck making his arm numb, he probably has a bulging disc in his back, which messes up his neck. He'll have to have surgery =/

  13. What is these people's problems?!?!?!?  NOBODY DESERVES TO BE HURT!!!!!!  John Cena isn't that bad and I don't care if I get thumbs down or some of my troll subjects report me.

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