
John Danks for Miguel Tejada?

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Guy with John Danks has Mike Aviles and Yunil Escobar, with a pitching staff of Tim Lincecum, Cole Hammels, Jair Jurgens, Armando Gallaraga, Greg Smith, and Fransico Liriano and Chris Young on the DL.

Miguel Tejada guy has Brandon Webb, Johnathan Sanchez, Ted Lilly, Tod Wellemeyer, Gil Meche, Aaron Cook, and Andy Pettite.

Seem like it helps both teams?




  1. if i had tejada i wouldnt give him up 4 danks if my life depended on it

  2. Yeah, it sorta helps both teams. Personally I like Yunel Escobar, so I would want to have him start. So in a way the guy with Tejada is getting there needs meet more then the guy with Danks, yet it is still fairly equal.

  3. Position wise SS is more important then SP.So if you can upgrade your SS by trading a SP,,,DO IT!

    My OpINioN~~~~~~~G()()d Luck!

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