
John Edwards?.Is this too funny or what?

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The dems try to keep crunching the republicans,

But,This tops all ,Just goes to show,

We are all human




  1. john edwards is a man and he is allowed to have s*x......

    at least he didn't get caught tapping his foot soliciting s*x with another men in Idaho like an unmentioned republican did.....

    Clinton was a pimp and John Edwards gots a baby's mama, what does it matter??????he is still a lawyer!

  2. Yeah! and something else! They run Clinton down into the ground when they are doing the same as he did!!  None of us are angels, and that includes the people in the Government!!  John McCain is no angel too! Look what HE did when he was released from captivity!! If they would ALL keep their minds on running this country and keep their zippers up, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now!

  3. We ALL are human.  It's evident Edwards was a blackmail target--who stands in defiance of being victimized in that fashion.  Politics IS a dirty dirty business that's more dangerous today than it was 40 years ago.

    Before any of the common public casts down on Edwards, here's food for thought:  What if EDWARDS had the savvy, skill and experience all needed to repair America's current damage; make life better for US ALL??  

    Well, we won't really know that answer---because we allow our moral prudence to affect who we allow in the White House---like McCain and Obama are angelic chior boys....yeah, right.

  4. no

  5. Another cheater against marriage equality.


  6. It isn't is the sad state of affairs in the world.

    We ARE all human....McCain cheated on his wife with numerous women, before he cheated on her with Cindy. He then applied for and received a marriage license with Cindy before obtaining a divorce or separation from Carol. Carol, as you know, helped him tremendously when he returned from the war, and had herself struggled with debilitating scars and pains from a pervious car accident.

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