
John Edwards Scandal .....?

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did the Press report that john edwards was at the bev

hills hilton this week?




  1. So? I was at the Tucson Greyhound Park. Why would anyone care.

  2. Fox News did but they also report when Republicans like Mark Foley (R) are involved in scandalious behavior as well.

  3. Bill gave a great answer.Though the comment on Rush is lost on me.He is controlled opposition.Both parties and ideologies are corrupt to the core.I can tell you that the reason is elitist control.Control of politicians and mass media.They are occultists which explains covering up for Edwards,an occultist.                                             

  4. The overarching reason is probably that the mainstream press does not want to sink to this level of reporting. In particular:

    News about Edwards is barely relevant - he's not in the running for anything.

    Members of the press like and respect Mrs. Edwards, and they don't want to make her life more difficult now.

    Finally, it's also possible that the sources for this Natl Enquirer story can't be fully verified.

  5. Yes.

    The Breck Girl got caught having s*x with Another Woman.

    While her wife, with cancer, was at home alone.

    Good Work!!!   Breck Girl.


    Cool, eh????

  6. I think most people are missing the real story here. It isn’t John Edwards, his mistress or their baby. The real story is far more lurid. And frightening. It is the way the US media has blacklisted this story. There is no mention of it any of the large daily newspapers. CNN, the internet news site, has room for a story on a 70 year old Japanese p**n star and the arrest of a young actor for drunken driving, but apparently doesn’t have the room to cover the Edwards story. MSNBC has the time to tell us that Obama is going to the doctor for hip pain (they will probably run a size 18 font “Breaking News” banner if he goes to the dentist for a root canal,) and that Angelina may not stop at six kids. Any mention of the scandal revolving around a solid contender to be Barack Obama’s running mate, or at the very least cabinet member? Not a word. Not a single word.

    Already bloggers for the LA Times have been ordered not to talk about the story, even thought it happened in their very own backyard. And the reason given for this new age censorship? The source was the National Enquire. It is a tabloid. It has run unfounded stories in the past (In light of the fraudulent Diddy-Murdered-Tupac story they ran in their online edition back in March of this year, I don’t know if I should laugh at this kind of arrogance or weep,) and it is, by LA and NY Times standards, remains unsubstantiated. And, according to the NY Times, this is Edwards personal life, and somehow out of bounds. This, by the way, is the same NY Times that dragged up a 10 year old rumor about John McCain based on innuendos by two disgruntled former McCain staffers that has long since been discredited.

    Funny how things change. When the Enquirer broke the Rush Limbaugh prescription drug scandal, both of these papers picked up the story and ran with it as soon as that ball hit the ground. There wasn’t any angst about the Enquirer’s tabloid status, no hand-wringing about sources and evidence, no sleepless nights that this was his “personal life”. They beat that story for everything it was worth for more than a week. Now, almost a week after Edwards stumbled into the Enquirer’s Hilton Burmese Tiger Trap, still not a word has shown up in print in all these self-anointed “legitimate” major news outlets. Or any others, for that matter. That’s if you discount Fox News, which any good liberal worth his salt certainly will.

    The American press can always hide behind the argument that the story is just rumor and unconfirmed. It is the bullet proof vest they wrap their integrity in. As long as they don’t investigate the story, it remains just another unproven piece of tabloid gossip. If you don’t go outside or open the blinds and look out the window, it’s always another beautiful day. This just isn’t about media bias. It is slowly evolving into a hostage situation. And the hostage is the people’s right to know the truth and decide for themselves what is news and what isn’t. And it raises a far more disturbing prospect.

    If the media will go to these lengths to suppress a story about a second-tier politico like John Edwards, how far would they go to protect their current heartthrob\Prophet\Messiah Barack Obama from any negative press? If the knew something that would reflect badly on Obama, would they report it?  If the Edwards story is the litmus test of this question, the answer is clearly no. Look how in lock step the media has been on this story. There were witnesses that can be easily found and interviewed to discredit this story, but no one has dared to make a move. And no, I am not saying this is a conspiracy. It is far worse.

    It is consensus.

    Consider if it was something about Obama. If they don’t have the guts or integrity to deal with a story about Edwards, how can they be trusted to do honest reporting about Obama? What information might they already know but are suppressing? This isn’t paranoia, but simple logic. If they can sacrifice their ethics so easily for John Edwards, there is likely no end they would go to in order to protect Barack Obama. The People’s right to know is already being nailed to the cross, and the main stream media is swinging the hammer. The concept of a truly free press has become the new Calgary.

    I really don’t care what John Edwards did or didn’t do anymore.

    I just want someone to explain to me why this particular crucifixion has become a necessary article of faith.

  7. It looks like the Enquiror makes this news,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know ...Aliens have Landed,,,,,,,,etc,

    it will take a more legitimate sourse  of news,,,,,,,,,

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