
John Edwards says he didn't love the woman he cheated on his dying wife with

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Doesn't that make you feel so much better?




  1. What he does in his private life is none of our business.

    Don't tell me you've never done anything stupid.

    Granted, maybe not this stupid....

  2. Good to know that a man running for Commandar and Chief, can easily forget who his wife is, who we all KNOW was there with him from the beginning...

    while in remission of cancer...

    s***w another broad.

    lie about it.

    then confess...

    after being called out in a TABALOID MAG!?

    how would he have sold US out??????????????

  3. Well, John Edwards is a jerk. Big surprise ... not! ♥ ∞

  4. According to him, when he cheated her cancer was in remission. They thought she was pretty much better. Despite that, I have no respect for cheaters, period.

  5. I don't think it affects me or my family the way that the Iraq war and the economic failure of the policies of our current president.  I don't agree with what he said, but frankly that's between him and his wife.  Was he feeling pain that his wife was so ill and he didn't know how to deal with losing the love of his life? Who knows but him?

  6. Yes. Love it when scumbags try to make people feel better.  

  7. He didn't cheat on me or with me, so I really don't feel anything but am guessing he and is family are in a lot of pain right now, so why don't we let it go at that?

  8. mcgreeveys story was worse.

    new jersey governer

    cheated on his wife with a man.

    gotta love my home state.

  9. That's so sad. God rest her soul.

  10. Not really.

    and I used to respect him.

  11. No it doesn't. But it does show that he is more cruel than ever. It's one thing to cheat on someone. But to cheat on your dying wife with someone you don't give a **** about is beyond low.  

  12. All I can do is shake my head. He was actually my first choice to be the Dem nominee. I guess it's a good thing he didn't have a chance at the nomination after all. Could you imagine the political consequences the Dem party would have to deal with so close to the Presidential election November 4? It would be a Bill Clinton fiasco all over again.

    John Edwards should be ashamed of himself. And women who want to have affairs with married men should take note of their attitude towards you. You're not respected. You are only a piece of meat they'll throw in the trash after they're finished chewing on your bones.  

  13. Ugh.

    I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  14. Of course he didn't. He's a weak man who needed a little something-something on the campaign trail. Really, I'm not shocked. There is a reason he couldn't gain enough support. People saw that while he was smart, he wasn't presidential. He is more like a happy go lucky puppy dog.  

  15. I think I would feel better if he did love her honestly...because we know he didn't love his wife.

  16. Maybe Elizabeth needs to speak up now.  She gave Hillary a bunch of c**p about Bill cheating. Wondering why somebody hasn't brought out some of those quotes or is she terminal at this point?

  17. As despicable as this story is, I still believe it is far less important than what is going on between the countries of Russia and Georgia right now. What happened with John Edwards only involved his family and that of the woman's. It did not have any impact on other people's lives. Now, as far as this other story is concerned, it could lead to an all-out war that could involve many other countries and result in mass destruction and the deaths of millions of people. Our priorities truly are screwed up.

  18. Not my buisness its between him and his wife.  

  19. I'm just glad I voted for his Libertarian opponent in 1998.  The Breck Girl is ten miles of bad road.

  20. Well if you think about it, his wife is dying, why would he say that he loved her--cheating is bad enough--but to say you love her--that would have really, really, really hurt his wife more.

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