
John Edwards the medium?

by  |  earlier

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i have tickets and would like to know how to attract his eye quicker how do i do this without distacting the other people in the audioance also i have my mothers watch who has been dead for over 25 years will this help me contact her and will she give him a message to give to me we never got to say goodbye she died in the kitchen when I was out of town.




  1. Like the other two people have said your question has clearly been posted in the wrong forum, this is genealogy, however I think the people who frequent this forum are far better qualified to help you than, any one who answers genealogy questions,.;_ylt=Am...

    hope this helps.

  2. I can see how you might think this is a genealogy question, but it isn't.  You are not really talking about tracing your ancestors.  You are asking about using paranormal means to contact someone.  That is another field entirely.  You should re-post your question in another forum more appropriate for paranormal or psychic issues.

  3. You will get more joy if you ask your question here:

    Science & Mathematics > Alternative > Paranormal Phenomena

    But John Edwards can'treally contact the dead, it just a show put on to amuse the public done by gathering information before hand and lucky guesses.

    Sorry about your mother.

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