
John F. do you copy and paste your answers?

by  |  earlier

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just curious.. :P




  1. Not all the time. Just the redundant questions. His answers are always on the money.

  2. Yes, he does, and I do as well. Mainly because the same question is asked about once a week.

    And if we composed the answer, why not use it again?

  3. sometimes he doesn't, if he has to answer a question "in person";...

  4. wow, raven (the one who posted the mean answer), is really rude!

    yea, i see John F does that, but he is smart for doing it. People always ask "how to i get started in surfing"

    well, they never look it up.

  5. All of the above are true. With the slight exception that Raven, a Yale graduate, got the math wrong. I'm 56, not 50.

    I'm leaving for the beach in about three hours! Keep on surfing!

  6. ya i noticed that too

  7. It's the most annoying thing ever. Just because he has a long *** answer about his boring 50 year old self surfing, does he really expect everyone to give him a best answer?

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