
John Kerry was a bigger hero then John McCain?

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John McCain is a hero because he crashed 4 planes? John Kerry won 3 purple hearts a silver Star and a Bronze star but he never talked about it to get the nomination, instead he talked about making changes in America for the better

Are we gonna elect someone because they crashed a plane and were held captive for 5 years?

**** John McCain, and **** ALL THE REPUBLICAN SCUM BAGS




  1. Actually he did talk about it and it was ridiculous. He opened his acceptance speech with "REPORTING FOR DUTY!"

    But I don't care. Being a war hero doesn't make you a good or bad candidate and the cons know it; that's why they smeared Kerry. All that matters is if YOUR guy is a war hero.

  2. John McCain was shot down...he didn't crash.  Kerry was also quoted as 'not wanting to get involved in the war.'  McCain served his country, and his fellow Americans in combat, faithfully, and has continued to do the same thing since then.

  3. very true  

  4. yeah but um, wheres his medals? *LMAO*

  5. if McCain had his current experience... and was a democrat...

    they would have hung him in the media... said he cooperated with charlie...

    said he had an illegitimate daughter (oh, wait, Bush did that in 2000 already)

  6. Good point!  He seems like a better politician than a pilot.  

  7. Good point.  The McCain campaign have gone way out of the way to avoid articulating the issues.  So...they resort to self-glorification, fear tactics, smear tactics, and now finally they exploit Palin to "energize" their rather lifeless ambitions for a brighter tomorrow.  Their talking points are basically borrowed from Hillary and dragging in Palin was a last ditch effort because there's very little "dirt" to find.

    McCain is more of the same...

  8. Can totally agree with you not to mention he went to congress in the 60's to protest the war and drafting of soldiers to Vietnam (for the right reasons). Funny how the US has never gotten along with this communist country but is smitten with China.

  9. To be fair, he did talk about it a bit. I'm just still surprised that somehow the Republican smear machine was able to somehow make Bush look better than Kerry in terms of military service.

  10. Kerry was a moron and lost to a bumbling buffoon...he deserves the trash bin of history. McCain is unfit to lead and Palin is Bush.

    They are perfect for a USA mired in fear and self pity.

  11. The Republicans did all they could to slander John Kerry.  The Republicans will sling mud even at a fellow Veteran.  That is were the  political term "swift-boating" comes from now.  They killed John Kerry's political campaign with lies.  Nothing is too low for the Republicans.

  12. i agree with you, the rnc is all about mccain being a hero......

  13. No, we're going to elect someone because he won't nickel and dime us to death on hare-brained social programs we wouldn't need in the first place if the government would LET US KEEP OUR d**n MONEY.

  14. Kerry is not a bigger hero, he just has a much bigger ego.  I wouldn't trust Kerry to hold my place in line much less defend our great country.  

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