
John Lennon in one of his songs said "God is a concept by which we measure our pain". Would you agree?

by Guest32427  |  earlier

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I do.




  1. For sure - that's the concept

    He also said imagine theres no heaven

    Imagine theres no h**l below us

    It's easy if you try

  2. i gave you a star for this but this is the first question that i cant answer because i really dont know

  3. He also called Jesus a " garlic eating Jew". So no I guess not.  

  4. The only reason I don't agree is because we not only celebrate him or measure him with pain but with celebration aswell. Before God, you're supposed to give your vows of commitment to your wife/husband. Before God, you're to baptise your first child. Yes, a majority of the population may only seak him when they're in distress or need but there are those who seak him for happiness and to thank him for the good aswell. So no, I don't agree. But that's my opinion.

    -Later Gator-

  5. John Lennon was also a drug addict. If God was a concept, that would mean that there was no beginning of time. If there was no beginning of time, then time would be infinite. If time was infinite, then we would never be where we are today, because an infinite amount of time would have had to pass. It's physics, and it proves that something created time and space.

    My point is, is that god is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some people go to their "god", only when they're in need. Others praise him and worship him, and are truly happy through him. The Hindus have tons of gods. So do many Native American religions. Maybe only one group is right, but even if they're not. god is to people, what people who have no god don't have. That is faith. Faith that things and people can get better. I believe that there is God, and that he sent his only begotten son to die for me. I do not measure my pain by him. That is ridiculous. The only people who measure their pain by god would be people that do not truly believe in him..If you don't, then why even bother.

    John Lennon apparently had issues he needed to work out with himself and God. You can't believe everything that comes out of someone's mouth, just because their music is good. It's kind of like Obama. He sounds good, so the masses flock to him. They don't realize he's against coal, nuclear, natural gas, and oil energy; leaving us with no energy options for the present. They don't realize he wants to tax gasoline, so it's even more expensive at the pump. He is going to tax people who make over 250,000 so much more, that tons of small businesses that are barely making it, as it is, are going to fail miserably. He's great friends with two convicted terrorists that tried to blow up the state building and the pentagon. A convicted slum lord felon bought his house for him, right before he happened to get 14 million dollars for him from the taxpayers of illinois. His pastors are racists, and he's never had to make a tough decision in his life. He said that the toughest decision he had to make in his life was to go against the Iraq war. Compared to McCain staying instead of leaving a POW camp. Yeah right. He has visited his brother at least once since 2003, and has not helped him in any way. His brother lives on less than a dollar a month, but Obama doesn't even help him.

    But see, that's my point. Just because the messenger is good, does not mean he's always right.

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