
John Lennon wrote: "God is a concept by which we measure our pain". What do you think he was stating?

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John Lennon wrote: "God is a concept by which we measure our pain". What do you think he was stating?




  1. That the drugs were wearing off.

  2. that he took two yellows that day instead of three.

  3. Can you provide a link


    The only Answerer who gives a full correct answer doesn't get a single thumb up "but five down......Enough said

  4. I think he is stating that when one thinks of God he is only turning to him when suffering

  5. "I'm really high! I love fame!"

  6. I am the walrus?

  7. When God is a concept and the awareness of the ever present moment - suchness - is forgotten or replaced with such a concept, any relationship to anything at all in consciousness will necessarily be conceptual and will reflect a kind of desperation to be something other than reality.   This is always and forever desperately painful.  Thank you John Lennon.   (A Christian friend of mine tells me I should call Lennon "St John"  because of my undying love for the reality he always pointed to.)  

  8. When we are truly in pain, we turn to God. We reach out in prayer to hopefully bring an end to our suffering. For many, this is the only time there is a clear awareness of God, and that urgent need becomes the ‘measuring stick of our pain.’

  9. I read a quote that said "God is a concept by which we measure our ignorance".  I wasn't aware that someone had replaced "pain" with "ignorance".  I like the version I saw better, but both hold truth.  

    I take from it that God is a concept we use to console us when we are in pain.

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