
John McAin and Barak Obama---pros and cons of each if they are elected?

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I know this is gonna get alot of feedback but ill start u guys out....

John Mccain is old- if he dies in office then guess who's our president? Miss Tina Fay...I mean the Alaska governer :)---By the way thats a con




  1. i tottally agree with yoou mccain will be a BAD president. he suucks. OBAMA 08'!

  2. Guess what, Flash? It's...not...gonna matter. You actually believe things will *change* for the better? Sheep...gooood sheep...lay your head down and baaaa yourself to sleep. When you wake up, everything will be warm fuzzy bunnies and rainbows. Daddy promises.

    I pity you kids. Not really, but I do. ;)

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