
John McCain's v.p. pick sarah palin daughter is pregnant what u people think ?

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will u vote for obama




  1. Who cares... either way they'll s***w you over.

  2. No i wont vote for Obama just becuase McCain's running mate's daughter is pregnant. In all honesty, i dont know anyone who either has had a teen daughter who got pregnant or knows of one who did. Im not comending it, but at least she's standing by her daughter and her daughter is stepping up to her responsiblity. I think she's a great and strong women. Honest as well.  

  3. I think that just makes her normal. I'm glad shes not trying to hide it.  

  4. She's a true All-American Woman. She has a baby with a disability, a son fighting in the war, & a pregnant teenage daughter. She has more in common with everyday people than Obama, Biden, OR McCain!!!!

    I like her!  

  5. Not surprising that much. Generally republicans are very good at hiding dirt like this but in times like this and this election...stuff like this is bound to come out.

    Takes that feel good sentiment of her selection (as VP) out right away.

    Its sad really in some ways. Its not our business that the daughter is pregnant but it is our business that the mother (the VP pick) lied about it and tried to cover it up. It shows that she is poor at being a mother. And considering that she doesn't have much experience as a politician either, that's just a sad situation. Now they are trying to get her married to some poor soul.

    But show me a politician that is clean today? And how does this effect how they run the country? Exactly, it doesn't.

    And you heard of that...he who hasn't sinned can cast the first stone!!

    So yes. Politicians are only a reflection of society at large and no democrat can can argue they are a better person morally than a republican. I don't think republicans are better morally either. They are just better at hiding their mistakes. Again, this is just a reflection of society today and the problems we face together.

    I support Change. I'm voting Obama and Bidden!!

  6. I think it means that sarah Palin is very much like the normal american family. How many of us have a teen mother that we know? How many of us have a cousin, or a niece or a friends daughter who was a single teen mom?

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