
John McCain Said Sarah Palin is More Qualified To Be President Than Barack Obama? Cheap Shot? or With a Merit?

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John McCain Said Sarah Palin is More Qualified To Be President Than Barack Obama? Cheap Shot? or With a Merit?




  1. Have you ever been to Alaska (LMAO) Obama's campaign staff is bigger than the population of Alaska.

  2. He says it with truth. And Mc Cain is not old, look at Regan when he was elected. He's the same age as my oldest brother and he still manages a billion dollar bussiness every day.

    Just keep you eye on this gal. She'll take no c--- from none of them good ol boys. He children are off limints just as all people's are.

  3. he's drinking his own Kool Aide and has gotten high on it. She's the manager of a Popsicles Stand above the tundra line. Since all of America is below the tundra line, Alaska is in no way representative of America at all.

    Chicago is the greatest city on the planet. It has over 2 million people of diverse races, religions and creeds. the metropolitan area is over 8 million.  Alaska has only 600,000 - Popsciles Stand

  4. A part-time short-term governor of the 3rd smallest state in the Union vs a sitting Senator who has also been a state Senator?

    Kind of hard to justify.

  5. this is because he can see into the future! LOL nah actually its a creative scheme he cooked up he gets his own friends to bash (very lightly) Palin in the news then he defends Palin on the same channels making it seem like hey im not the one leaking this information hey it must be Obama.

    haha the truth is Obama has nothing to do with any comments against Palin this is a reverse psycology tactic by the media and republicans.

    Obama has declared that Families are off limits!

    How can Mccain know whether Palin or Obama will be a better president what is he a future teller?

    I think Obama will do a  much better job because Mccain is just filled with lies through his campaign and if he acts like this on a little thing like a campaign how do you expect him to behave as president?

    Americans are not even aware of the issues in this country they are only concerned with the distractions that the news media puts out which min you are all owned by rich people like rupert murdoch (bushes secret society brother)

    So yes of course expect more bs from the Republicans and nothing but smearing and if they aren't smearing it seems well looks can be deceiving they are still smearing!

    Remember bush called gore a flip flopper LOL Al gore is almost single handidly responsible for saving this country from Global Warming caused disaster! O yes what a flip flopper@!

    Republicans cannot say their actual policies because they are some of killing Americans and enslaving the poor!

    This entire country will be better when Obama takes office he will expose the bs going on an smarten Americans up! Its ridiculous to see people and the things they think are issues in America.

    Please go to healthfreedom. org and see how the FDA is killing US Citizens and see how America made a new virus and is calling it the bird flu epidemic and then spent billions of our dollars to get us "ready"

    Please look up "who killed the electric car" and see how the oil companies want profits so they deny technology that threatens their profits regardless of the effects on our environment!

    Please look up and see how George Bush blew up the world trade center and witness videos from college professors all over this country explaining why a plane could not have taken down the world trade center and see evidence that there were thermite bombs in the building.

    Go ahead look at the real issues in the US which 90% of people do not even know about!

    Did u know lyme disease is chemical warfare made by the USA! Did you know whenever a doctor tries to make a cure for it he gets sued!

    Did u kno that Kennedy was murdered by our own government and shot in the face by his own secret service go ahead hit up youtube and watch the video! You can even see his wife trying to jump out the car when the driver shoots kennedy in the face. look how they speed up the camera when he gets shot in the face by the driver and make it seem like he didnt come to a complete dead stop!

    Ill tell u this if im driving and the pres gets shot im gonna ******* speed up not come to a dead stop! wtf is that  come on everyone knows that kennedy was murdered by our own government ill tell u another thing they made a wrong turn by goin down the street where ken got murdered so how lucky was lee harvey oswald wow they accidently turned right into me! LOL then they blame it all on Castro! when i read the family jewels i only see us paying the MAFIA TO KILL CASTRO. Everyone knows the magic bullet theory and its impossible for Oswald to have shot him in the face it was the driver! Look into it this country needs more whistle blowers@!


    Go ahead and try and rise up and guess what the government does put chemical warfare into your town! you ever seen a plane with a smoke trail behind it? thats chem warfare.

  6. It's a stone cold fact. Sarah Palin rocks, and she will be a wonderful Vice President. McCain/Palin 2008.

  7. she has worked behind an executive desk,while voting more than present or shouldn't that count, maybe only two years, but do a comparison, she also advocates a change that is defined not hollow words, short of any promise, has instituted reforms in govment that ousted good ol boy govt

  8. Absolutely true. she is much more experienced and qualified than him.

  9. she's a governor of a state with less people than San Diego. she has no experience whatsoever.

  10. qualified? maybe so.

    a better candidate? that's a different story.

  11. It's not a cheap shot.  All one has to do is look at their records.

    Lets start with Obama;?????? Let See he's been US Senator for almost 4 Years of which all but 143 days has been spent running for the Presidential nomination.  He has been an Illinois State Senator, and lets not forget he's been a community organizer.  Either as a State or US Senator he has accomplished nothing on his own and little on the coat tails of other.  He and Biden both try to tell us how they understand how they can relate to us common Americans.

    Governor Palin on the other hand is one of us "Common" Americans she doesn't have to try to relate to us.  She has been, Mayor, and Governor.  She has had positions where she has had to "Manage" local and State affairs.  She has faced financial discissions that has effected those around her.  She has managed a military force in way of the Alaskan National Guard, She has had to face the energy crisis with how it effects everyday people first hand.  She has also had to fight for what she thought was right, and against what she thought was wrong.  She has not been handed anything.

  12. It's politics, so I wouldn't call it cheap. As to the "merits" of his argument, it entirely depends.  Sarah Palin, as a former Mayor and now Governor has had to make executive decisions and has had to run a town / State (regardless of size, she HAS had to make decision not simply legislate.  She has had to sign things into law and to enforce laws she didn't agree with).  That is something that I don't think Obama has experience in.

    However, Obama has his own brand of experience (Junior Senator) and while I'm not an elitist he also graduated from Harvard.  In other words, he is intellectually a very smart individual.  So you can argue the point.

  13. Not a cheap shot, just a fact.

  14. It's not a cheap shot if its true.

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