
John McCain and Sarah Palin?

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For some reason the past couple times they have shown McCain and Palin together.. Sara Palin body expressions seems she is very comfortable with Jon McCain. There body language doest seem right. Their ora doest go together.

Is it me or have anyone else notice this?




  1. I have noticed the body language. They have just met each other and I for one do not hug on everyone when we first meet. It's not about their aura, it is what they are going to do for our country. I can also see when people are too chummy together for the sake of appearance. I think with the McCain/Palin ticket we are getting the real thing.

  2. I know what you are talking about. Give it time.. I'm voting for Obama but I do like also what the R have to say!  

  3. They are business partners and conducting themselves as such!  Nothing wrong with the body language!

  4. Your question is poorly written and contradictory.  However, they do seem stiff around each other, particularly Palin.  As though she doesn't want to seem 'huggable' and soft.  Or maybe she doesn't want to p**s off Cindy.

  5. Well, they don't really know each other.  That's normal when you are sharing the most important moment of your life with a complete stranger.

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