
John McCain has never accepted an earmark?

by Guest33360  |  earlier

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can we say the same for obama?




  1. Uh the politician isn't the one that accepts the earmark.  The politician is the one that creates the earmark on behalf of their contributors.  I'm sure there are more than a few political favors for campaign contributors in McCain's past.

  2. Sen. Barack Obama sought more than $3.4 million in congressional earmarks for clients of the lobbyist son of his Democratic running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, records show. Obama succeeded in getting $192,000 for one of the clients, St. Xavier University in suburban Chicago.

    Obama’s campaign has taken a hard stance against the world of lobbying in the nation’s capital. Obama said he limits his own efforts to get money for pet projects — a process known as earmarking — to those that benefit the public. He has posted his earmark requests on his presidential campaign Web site to encourage transparency. …

    An analysis for The Washington Post by Taxpayers for Common Sense of Hunter Biden’s firm’s lobbying business found that its clients collected $2.7 million in earmarks in the last fiscal year.

    Senator Barack Obama on Thursday released a list of $740 million in earmarked spending requests that he had made over the last three years, and his campaign challenged Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to do the same.

    The list included $1 million for a hospital where Mr. Obama’s wife works, money for several projects linked to campaign donors and support for more than 200 towns, civic institutions and universities in Illinois.

  3. That's a lie,....McCain HAS indeed accepted earmarks....before he was against them, he was for them.

  4. Oh really?

  5. Present.......

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