
John McCain himself has said that the most important test of a vice presidential candidate ?

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is whether that person is fully qualified to be president on short notice.

Is Palin "fully qualified" to be president on short notice????




  1. The key for anyone in any leadership role is that they know who to call if everything goes to h**l all at once.  I don't know how many experts Ms Palin has even heard of, much less whether she has any working relationship with any of them.  She probably hasn't had a whole lot of experience with the diplomatic corps, or the upper echelons of the national security agencies.  A phone list left over from the Bush administration won't help us when the chips are down.  Neither will McCain's handlers if he is suddenly incapacitated.  

    Whatever else I think of Joe Biden, I think he could step into the Oval Office and function, if that became necessary, precisely because he has been in the halls of power for too long, and has relationships with the career people who make the federal government and agencies work.  I doubt that this is the case in Ms Palin's instance, and I fear that, were she suddenly president, she would be but the figurehead as unelected officials made all-important decisions in any real emergency .

  2. Let us compare Palin's qualifications to Obama's:

    Who has been in elected office longer?   Winner Palin

    Who has experience managing the govenment's budget?  Winner Palin

    Who has experience as the Chief in an Executive Office?  Winner Palin

    Who has proven they can cut government spending?  Winner Palin

    Who has proven they can reach across party lines?  Winnner Palin

    Who is better qualified to unite this country?  I'd have to say Palin.

    Who will challenge their own political party when necessary?  Once agian, I'd say that Palin wins again.

    Who is a better speaker?  Obama wins this one.. He can talk.

    Who has more experience with foreign affairs?  Obama wins again... of course he had none until the campaign started, but Palin has none.

    Final score:  Palin 7, Obama 2..

    McCain did okay with his pick, when you compare it to what he is up against.  

  3. More qualified than either Democrat.

    She has executive experience.  Neither Democrat has any.  Given her position of Governor of Alaska, she has dealings with Russia and Canada over issues such as trade, oil, fishing rights, transportation, security, and other issues.  Senator Obama has none, and while Senator Biden has met with foreign leaders, he had no decisions to make regarding those meetings.

    She's more ready than either Democrat.

  4. Absolutely not.  While I think she may have a substantial political future, governing a state like Alaska for two years does not prepare you to govern the country.  Period.

  5. Being a Governor roughly qualifies someone to be president as it is an executive position over a government.  I think the bigger states are a better test, but still to be a governor is an adequate testing ground.  

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