
John McCain rarely mentions his childhood? Why is this?

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Did he grew up ultra-wealthy?




  1. Never say more than you have to.


  2. Cuz it happened 100 years ago.  He can't remember.

  3. Formative years and education

    John McCain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[3] At that time, the Panama Canal was under American control.

    McCain has Scots-Irish and English ancestry.[4] His father and paternal grandfather both became four-star United States Navy admirals.[5] His family, including his older sister Sandy and younger brother Joe,[3] followed his father to various naval postings in the United States and the Pacific.[6] Altogether, he attended about 20 schools.[7]

    In 1951, his family settled in Northern Virginia, and McCain attended Episcopal High School, a private preparatory boarding school in Alexandria.[8] In high school, he excelled at wrestling and graduated in 1954.[9]

    Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, McCain entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. There, he was a friend and leader for many of his classmates,[10] and sometimes stood up for people who were being bullied.[5] He also became a lightweight boxer.[5][11] McCain came into conflict with higher-ranking personnel, he did not always obey the rules, and that contributed to a low class rank (894 of 899) which he did not aim to improve.[10][12][13] He did well in academic subjects that interested him, such as literature and history, but studied only enough to pass subjects he disliked, such as math.[5] McCain graduated in 1958.[10]

  4. He can't remember it.

    And when people ask, he points to the history books as childhood memoir, since his childhood occurred so far in the past.

  5. Yep, Crashing Planes is the only thing he was ever any good at.

  6. His father and grandfather were both Military so i would say confortable but not rich by far.

  7. Absolutely, his mother is an oil heiress & he was in boarding school. It is very hard to find any info. Maybe someone can give you a link but it is hidden well for some reason.  He is good at hiding things. It would nice to get links of all the things most people don't know about him. Right now his son is in trouble for stealing about $46million.EDIT: a person who wrote about him below reminded me. He must regret digging up his past. He went back to his high school. I saw this & it was an absolute mess. He was known as McNasty. Do you really think a man who calls a child ugly (Chelsea Clinton) really  protected people from bullies or was a bully? His old teacher was on there & trying to by diplmoatic about describing McCain you can tell this man hated them & yet they wanted him to say something good.

  8. Because he does not have to, unlike Obama.

    Obama is  the first candidate that his party NEEDS to sell as an American. Can you imagine that ? The DNC ACTUALLY is fronting someone whos being an American is somewhat sketchy!

    I think that is a pretty poor showing for the once proud Democratic party... You remember them don't you ?





    Even Kerry! He may have been wishy washy but hey.... NO BODY every thought he was not American!

    Out of every democratic politician out there....



  9. Well, I don't know if he was ultra-wealthy, but according to Wikipedia, he was born in the Panama Canal Zone when it was still under US control. His father and his grandfather were both four-star admirals in the Navy. McCain also attended an Episcopalian prep school in Virginia. I don't know if your family has to be wealthy to afford a prep school, but it's obvious that his family wasn't disadvantaged.

  10. He grew up as a military child and I do not believe that they were wealthy. many people are private about their lives and I see no reason for faulting him about this.

  11. No, his dad was an Admiral, and they made good investments but not too rich. His mother was domineering and his father could be humiliating and hostile to him

  12. He grew up VERY comfortable.  When you mother leaves on an errand to pick up some groceries and returns with a new Mercedes, you grew up comfortable <Grin>  

  13. No he was not really wealthy but much better off than most people. He was a military brat and did not live a typical American life. He attended over 20 schools and by the time he was a teenager he was constantly in trouble. Since one of the goals of politicians is to make people feel  that you are one of them, they do not talk about things that make  them seem atypical.

  14. It was a long time ago... and in all likelihood, irrelevant to being president.  

  15. Because he never stepped foot in the United States until he was almost 15 years old.

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