
John McCain tapped a hockey mom to be his vice president so my question?

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This will boost hockey in the States if they win right?cricket cricket..

Ok my real question-Which playoff team from a year ago is most likely to miss the playoffs this year?




  1. Watching her speech right now.

    What's a snow machine racer?

    John McCain tapped a hockey mom (hehehehe).

    HQ: Ottawa

  2. Nashville Predators.  Like it or not, Radulov was a big reason they snuck in.

  3. Doubtful. She'll invest heavily in oil and try to convert snowmobiling into a NASCAR-type sport. No, wait, I'm still thinking of Bush...

    I'll p**s you off by saying the Flyers, even though that's unreasonable.

  4. Boston. I thought Carolina, who the B's edged oot last year, had the better team.  

  5. I am going to say the Capitals.  Why? Because the Lightning are going to be so freaking AWESOME next season, that they are going to top the southeast, and shock the hockey world.  Whoo-Hoo! Team Spirit!  Lightning for the CUP!

    lmao.....I need to cut down on the coffee.....i'm starting to have hallucinations.  

  6. The Minnesota Wildmen

  7. I don't think Boston or Nashville will make it this year.

  8. haha there's another reason not to vote for Obama. hockeyyyy

    real question: maybe Colorado but like the person above me said Nashville is probably a more likely answer. I'm not sure

  9. If McCain wins, then the capitals have a new loyal member

    The real question- Colorado  

  10. trombass message me and I will explain it.

    Palin will save hockey everywhere, as vice leader of the free world she will make it a priority since it has done wonders for her children.  

    Seriously though as the resident alaskan she has our votes, She never has come across as a politian, wish ya'll could see the little bump on the road called Wasilla, to think 2.5 years ago she was mayor and now look where she is, got me lil teary eyed... opps thats the oniion im pealing getting ready to make an omelette.

    Joe i actually think there are 3 teams that may be at risk. Washington, Colorado, Minn,  2 other teams are one injury away from the list the Devils and the Ducks.  both relie on their goalies to much and could bite them big time. esp when teams like phx edm chi tb are going to be much better and carolina was right there, could be interesting

  11. hey, if the old man gets elected then kicks, we'll finally have a woman in office.  then we'll finally get some sh*t done in this country.

    THE FLYERS.  bwahahahahahahahah........

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