
John McCain w/his cancer history & age, thinks Palin can lead our country if he dies? His cabinet..?

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Attorney General - O.J.




  1. Much better than Obama who IS running for president!

    If you think that Palin's so called lack of experience is a reason not to vote for McCain, then all the MORE reason NOT to vote for Obama!

    Palin 700 days a Governor vs Obama 100 days in the Senate (voting along party lines)

    Palin fought corruption in her own party Vs Obama allowing a criminal to "help" buy his house.

    Palin accomplished REAL change in her state vs Obama talk and talk and talk of change with nothing to show for it.

    Who is more qualified? Clearly Palin

  2. Don't bury the poor guy just yet. His mother is still around. As for Palin, how do u know she couldn't lead? She has a history of making changes in her short(er) life....more changes than the candidate that's running on that stand.

  3. Fear tactics anyone? Can Obama run the country?  

  4. Sarah Palin looks to me like a lightweight Dan Quayle.

  5. I pray to God that if McCain gets elected he does not die because are country would be in the hands of someone I think has very little experience.  

  6. Due to Mccain's health history and age, I found his choice as a VP extremely irresponsible.

    This world has gone "Bonkers" and quite frankly I don't even know how the  "most" experienced Candidate is going to handle the mess George Bush got us into.

    Anyone that thinks Joe Biden could not easily step in if needed verses, Sarah is just way to in heavy denial!

    This question is ONLY about the VP'S, not about Obama or Mccain. And should be questioned. . .

  7. She can't control her 16 yr old daughter that got knocked up, so she pretends its hers.

  8. i dont think so

  9. YES I DO.  

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