
John McCain worship more than Obama worship?

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The dem convention focused on issues. Obama was endorsed as president. But the republican convention seems to all be about hero worship. McCain this, McCain that. If they would have talked as much about Obama at the dem convention I think they would have said he was being worshipped like a God. Are you seeing the same thing?




  1. Yes, but Republicans are hypocrites.

    The Republican leaders channel Jesus and somehow know what he wants and he is always on their side (have you noticed?). I think they're worshipping McCain because they think he's Jesus incarnate.

  2. well lets see... McCain, served our country in war time, yep

    Obama, no

    McCain, long time experience in political office, yep

    Obama, no

    McCain business experience, yes

    Obama, no

    Obama has an opinion on the issues but McCain has experience with them just like Obama's wife donates $$ to worthy causes and McCains wife serves and volunteers her time and talents to causes.

  3. oh h**l no, lol are you kidding me?  Democrats are for Obama because we really like him.  McCain supporters like him because he isn't Obama

  4. That is because they didn't have anything to talk about relative to Obammy. They then had to focus on a series of fairy tales.

  5. The idea behind the convention, and the speakers, is to promote the candidate that they are getting ready to nominate.  The CANDIDATE talks about the issues, their platform.  Good God, is this the first time you've watched conventions?

  6. mccain tries to run on his war heroism, yet thousands of vets get ignored each day thanks to him.

  7. Don't believe in god, don't follow Mccain. I'M FREE OF THE BRAINWASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OBAMA 08!

  8. LOL  no way. I dont even see where you could come up with such a stupid idea.

  9. hey Guinea P

    ARE U A WHITE RACIST, are u serious for that statement. ur sick. Like that throw up green sick. Just another one of the sick white folks that are too ignorant to actually read and pay attention to detail. I hate people that have to common sense of a fetus

  10. the media and the college ppl worship obama

  11. I don't see it that way at all.

    I think McCain worships God and Obama worships Allah!

  12. Guinea P., The way you see it is a lie, and it would be nice if you'd stop spreading false information.  

    Misrepresentations are against community rules.  

  13. The whole McCain campaign is a sorry joke, and a slap in the face of every American.

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