
John Mccain or Barack Obama (AKA Baby Killer) Who will you vote for?

by Guest61737  |  earlier

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John Mccain




  1. umm. why are you asking for opinions when all you are doing is bashing obama. u don't want us to tell the truth u want us to go with your opinion only. this doesn't even count as a question. 8 years of bush is enough, i don't want to go through another 4 years with mccain being just like him.

    obama 08



  3. obama obama obama do anyone notice McCain hair style is a Lot like hitler? imagine him with a white hitler scathe

  4. Baby Killer???? are so ridiculous.  AKA to who? you? lol....Doctors actually perform abortions, not Obama.  Did you ever think of the reason why women have abortions?????? It's not because it's cool.  It's because it could be a major life altering decisions.  Like the father not being around or your family disowning you.  You are so ridiculous. And I'm glad everyone thinks being pro-life means you should be President.

  5. Really?  What do you call dropping bombs on people?  I can tell you from first had experience that bombs kill plenty of children.

  6. That is just one of the issues - if you are going to vote because of a pro-life / pro-choice issue - you need to re-evaluate your position.

    Women should not be told that they cannot do what they wish to their bodies.  EVER!  It should always be a woman's choice to keep or terminate a child.

  7. john mccain killed a far greater number of innocent people during vietnam, his support of the war in iraq, and he promises to kill many more with his insipid and belligerent stance on iran

  8. Your voting for MCCAIN? LOL so youll rather be at war the rest of your life. ye Mccain is really smart just start a war with everyone

  9. Barack Obama because if you think he is a baby killer then what is Mccain a Father, Mother, Son, Daughter Killer because that's who gets killed in these senseless wars we fight.

  10. McCain is willing to spend 100 more years at war, untold deaths.  Does not "Believe in global warming"  or a clean energy policy.  Who is the killer?  What about mother earth?

  11. God, what amazing logic you use.

    Now let me state that I cannot stand Obama's guts.  He's nothing but a snake-oil salesman that wants to abolish the second amendment.  

    However, I do feel the abortion issue was solved with Roe vs Wade.  All this "baby killer" mudslinging just makes me laugh.

  12. Baby Killer?

    Ok, you uptight racist g*y-hating snob.

    How's stereotypes for you?

  13. Although I am pro-choice, I am voting for McCain. This election is more than a just a few issues, no matter how strongly I feel on some.

    I could never vote for a man that (willingly and without protest) sat in a racist, anti American Church like Trinity for twenty years.^

  14. totally agree....I saw the baby thing sickened me, however, before that I had already made up my mind....MCCAIN IT IS!

    Obama changes his mind way to many times...and I don't care that he has distanced himself from can't have someone as your pastor for 25 years, consider him as an uncle, and have him be the one to marry you...only to say when you are running for president..that he has no influence on your religious beliefs

  15. So this is not really a question or an answer is it? It is your lame attempt to get people to feel guilty about not voting for your guy. This is not real question at all. It is like saying, do you like hot or crappy cold water. Please if you are going to ask a question, ask a REAL one, and be diplomatic about it and don't post opinionated rant.

    Thank me...

    L-1 20 points, what a shock.

    No you haven't. I have seen a question with 127 answers once, 87 for another. 71, you are far off...

  16. Obama mother was a 17 year old minor when she became pregnant with him.

    The thought of anyone that supports Partial Birth Abortion sickens me to think anyone could have such a low regard for human life.

  17. Only the patriots and people with heart will vote McCain.  Yes Sir!

    Have you not discovered the link of Union media and Union Hollywood and Union Print media to a Union candidate (Democrat).

    Obama is a "Unionizer". Hollywood and the media have collaborated to be his public relations agent. We are now living in a world of corrupt media and government that is perpetuating a groupthink.

    (mold the young and they are yours) - Union Hollywood celebs, Union Music Bands, singers, teachers, Union writers of (textbooks, newspapers, magazines) a kid today is spoonfed from the time the start kindergarten,

    George Orwell's "1984" where Winston says he won't become "one of them", yet through the process of being culturized, he slowly slips into braindead and doesn't even realize it.

    Welcome to now.

    Obama can't say he's not involved because I'm on his mailing list.

    The fish rots from the head down.


  18. ever notice that every 4 years when the Republicans can't win based on issues they start in with the "baby killer" and "9-11" and "OMG! OH NOES! g*y Marriage!" c**p??

    It's called a red herring:  "Similar to ignoratio elenchi, a red herring is an argument, given in reply, that does not address the original issue. Critically, a red herring is a deliberate attempt to change the subject or divert the argument. This is known formally in the English vocabulary as Digression which is a neutrally connotated "Red herring".

  19. I will be voting for McCain, only because I don't want higher taxes,

    but hunny, get your facts right with abortion.  It's not a "baby killer".  My 13 year old cousin was raped, and she certainly was not going to give birth to a baby!  It's not up to the gov., it's up to the woman.  

  20. Obama. McCain is just another Bush wanna be. I'm hearing the same things Bush said in 2000 and 2004.

  21. I do not no how old you are but you are so wrong. I am 53 having voted in my first election in 1976, I have a 132 IQ a degree in psychology and minors in Special Ed. and Theatre.

    Now here is my rebuttle to your ridiculous statement.

    Supporting a woman's right to choose, which is the law of the land does not make you a murderer. If that is the case then any judge who has sent someone to death row is a murderer. If LIFE is so sacred, then in God's eyes ALL LIFE is sacred.

    Secondly, if men could get pregnant, not only would abortions be legal, they would be federally funded. Why have 9 drooling old farts (Supreme Court) tell ALL women what they can and canot do with their bodies.

    Men should have no say so, unless it is a hsband, in a woman's decision to carry to full term or abort

    Thirdly, Over turning Roe v. Wade would essentially put the Federal Government in the examing room in between the Dr. and patient. I do not know about you but I do not want the Federal Government telling my doctor how to treat me. Their is something called Dr. / Patient priviledge which means all communication is private. Overturninmg Roe V. Wade will not make that the fundemental right to Dr./ patient priviledge applicable in all situations which as best I can tell is discrimination. When all parties are not treated equally under the law.

  22. John McCain all the way, baby! =]

  23. I thought you got the names backwards since McCain dropped bombs in vietnam, likely killing babies.

  24. mc cain  will kill more people in wars !!! PS. more americans have died in Iraq then originally were killed in 9-11. this is geting ridiculous. obama had my vote at change.  

  25. Many of us will be supporting McCain this year, in order to make sure the Obama/Biden ultra-liberal team do not reach the Whitehouse.

    Do you trust or want a raciest black leader ( Obama ) from a racist church ,a X Muslim and a gang leader in his youth as a President of the USA. Come on wake up.

  26. You ever stop and think for even a second how ridiculous that sounds?  Obama = baby killer?  Have you bothered to look at the bills?  Have you bothered to look at the votes?  Seriously now, people can't be this dumb, right?  Wow.

    He never voted to kill babies.  They were already protected under state law.  Read.  Seriously, READ.

  27. I'll give credit where credit is due. McCain is a war hero but do you think his time in Vietnam flying through the air with the greatest of ease. At no time did one of the bombs he dropped kill a baby? Could be maybe not. But I don't think you should honor the man by calling him one.

  28. Whose baby did he kill?  You are an idiot to make such an accusation.   How many people has McCain actually killed before his a.. got shot down.

  29. Not only a murderer, Obama lies about his religious views. I have seen Obama in full Muslim clothing and i believe he is part of Al Qeadea. The reason I say this is because after 9/11, Osama Bin Laden promised he would destroy our country by bringing an insider into the White House, and Hamas (those who hate us) support Obama 100%. If Hamas hates the US so much then why are they concerned about who our president will be? Obama meets with foreign leaders who hate our country, claiming " he can talk to these people and make them like us" He is against the second Amendment, he wants to ban all radio talk shows and he wants to aresst anyone who disrespects or mistrusts the government. What better way for the Muslims who hate us to destroy our country then by getting one of their own into the White House to destroy our economy from the inside out? Obama also has mentioned that he does not like the Jewish communities, he believes there may be more than one God, and he believes in after birth abortions- meaning if you have a baby who is disabled at birth, you can tell the doctors to kill it.He wants to tax the middle class and get rid of welfare and social security all together. I think he is the Anti-Christ and his voice sends chills down my spine. This is in no way about his nationality either, because I really want an African American in the White House it is far past time for one, but Obama is evil.

  30. Obama is not a baby killer. Have you physically seen him kill a baby? And what about George Bush. I remember when he was running for election people were talking about how he is against abortion. Eight years later abortion is still legal and I have not heard one word about abortion from his office yet. McCain will still kill with the war he supports.

  31. Actually republicans love killing babies.

    The only reason they're pro-life is because they'd hate to let a women have a choice

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