
John Robert Powers Audition?

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I have an audition with John Robert Powers this weekend in Texas. I am a beginning actress and I have heard they scam people alot. Is is that true? What exactly will happen if the audition goes well? If it is a scam is it worth going just for the audition experience?




  1. John Robert Powers is a bad idea.  It IS a scam, because a place that charges that much money for classes with the promise of getting you work is considered a scam.  there are many places like this out there and you need to stay away.  they are feeding off of vulnerable young hopefuls who will believe they lies they tell them.  google john robert powers scam and read about some of the lawsuits they've faced.

  2. Of course it's a scam.  All they care about is making money.  Check them out on and  BTW, no agent will take you seriously if you go there.  Put your money to better use and get real classes.  No legit agent will approach you in a mall or put an ad on the radio, come on people!


  3. I have heard both that it is worth going to and that it is all a scam. Although I wouldn't know because I've never been interested in them. I'm just letting you know for informational purposes.

  4. it is a scam!!! My friend went, they told her she had alot of modeling and cting podential and she paid them 1800 dollars. She has auditioned for about 5 agents, and she still has gone no were, do not go. i know exactly what they will say, you are very talented, but i think we should get you some classes and you could be the next big star! dont go for it, it is a huge scam, please be smart, and if you decide to go, dont go after that and dont pay them money.

  5. JRP isn't exactly a scam and it's NOT AN AGENCY. It's a VERY EXPENSIVE [thousands of dollars] acting school [for a short period of time.. like.. 20 weeks or something].

    The school brings in casting directors and agents from around the country, and students in the school audition for them. The cd/agents will "score" each person that comes in, write comments like "fidgets and monotone" so they know what they did wrong (or right).. And the kids the cd/agent liked can get a callback. What the callback is for is different for each cd/agent.

    I went to a similar school - does the same thing - and I learned alot and got alot better in acting. I got callbacks and got to go to chicago to audition for actual agencies (one agency said I was the best they saw that day, and only didn't sign me because someone looked like me in the agency already) and my friends at the similar school were signed to some agencies. So it's not necessarily a scam - you just have to make the most of it. They DO teach you but don't think it will make you famous.

    Truthfully - I think it's a better investment for your money to take less expensive classes near you. They're probably just as good if not better - but they don't bring CD/agents most likely.      Just search google. Spend money on headshots and different classes instead of $3,000 for JRP.

    --- oh and the JRP harris county is not an accredited business on the BBB website [it says 2 complaints have been concerned, but both complaints were resolved] while the JRP in chicago is an accredited business by the BBB. So I guess it depends on the one you go to.

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