
John & Sarah...OR....Barack Hussein Obama Bin Biden? WHAT IS MORE AMERICAN?

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What is more american? I think John and Sarah are much more in tune with what America is, rather than some arrogant narcissist with a hatemonger pastor and brothers who are radical islamists and whom voted against the born alive act.

Obama Bin Biden just doesn't compare to John & Sarah




  1. sounds like you are just as hate filled.  I personally will vote for Obama, but I am not about attacking McCain or anyone else for that matter.  What matters to me is what matters to me!  And what matters to you is what matters to you.  I will keep fighting fo rwhat is important to me always and I don't neccessarily think that who a person might have regarded as a respected person, only to find out they weren't isn't a make or break thing.  I think we all have hung out with people at one tiime or another that we have found out later is not the best for us.  We all are human, and they are all american!!!!

  2. If you think that you need to have an anglo-saxon name to be a "proper" American then you are very out of touch with the reality of your country.

    Wake up you live in a multicultural country... Obama is just as American as Jack or Sarah

  3. john and sarah, more american.

    do you mean stalin and mao?

  4. I cannot imagine anyone who truly wants the best for this country voting for McCain.

    You should try to overcome your predjuduces and learn more of the FACTS about Obama...  

    It is so sad that one of the best politicians to come along in 50 years has been lied about so much that people continue to believe the lies long after they have been shown to be lies.  Perhaps we do deserve to become a second class nation.

  5. Thank you for putting their real names!!! Go McCain!

  6. Gee, I don't know. Let me think about this long and hard... and because you spelled the names out clearly and concise, it's the obvious answer.

    How many Obama's can we find in the bible? John and Sarah- plenty and more worthwhile discussing.  

  7. If you are voting based on whose name is more American I wish you would stay home on election day.  What is wrong with you...these are serious issues..or is none of what's going on effecting you?

  8. ...right.

    Please don't vote. Ever.  

  9. John and Sarah.

  10. You had the nerve to complain about and REPORT somebody else's question? This is drivel.  

    They are ALL American...duh

  11. LOL, good luck dude....

  12. Are you seriously deciding whose more "American" based on their names????

  13. WOW I didnt know that McCain was going to pick a woman for VP!! I wanna hear what she says at the RNC... whoever wins president its going to make history either way.. McCain 08!!

  14. wow! speaking of ignorant!

    It doesnt matter whose name sound more American, what matter is what they plan to do for America and the American people!  

  15. I'm not someone who ever believed Obama was Muslim or anything like that...

    But my eyes do play tricks on me when I see the Obama/Biden signs.


    excuse me? what distorted version of america do you live in? Liberals are more open to everyone. Republicans are willing to allow young men and women to be killed across the world but yet don't allow a rape victim to choose whether or not she wants to carry her rape baby. Republicans will be g*y behind closed doors but yet won't allow those who are really in love with someone of the same s*x to get married. John McCain owns seven houses while there are still people from hurricane katrina left without somewhere to call home. Republicans sit back and watch as a whole major city is flooded. George Bush sat in an elementary school in sarasota florida while our nation was under attack. The republicans raise gas prices and cut health insurance and then tell us the economy is fine. The republicans would rather save embryos (that will never turn into children) than save the disease stricken american.

    So who really is the party who breeds hate here? You are obviously an ignorant man/woman who was either knocked unconscious the past 8 years or just racist against a black democratic candidate.

    And I saw a question you answered:

    When someone crushes a sea turtle egg they are not giving the mother the choice as to whether she wants to carry the fetus or not, they are just killing her eggs. If a mother is deciding she wants to terminate her pregnancy within the reasonable time then thats her choice. Sea turtles don't get pregnant they lay eggs therefore they don't have to carry a FETUS. Maybe if humans laid eggs then there would be a reason to make abortion illegal. The mother could give the egg to someone else to care for it instead of having to live with a parasite in her uterus for 9 months. parasite is defined as An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. Sounds like a fetus to me. Now, i'm not saying abortion should be used as birth control but accidents happen, rapes happen and a woman should be able to chose whether or not she wants to carry a baby.

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