
John Walsh did a show called worlds worst train wrecks. I have looked for a copy every where! can u hlp me out

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worlds worst train wrecks by John Walsh




  1. this is just a comment but what in the world could be so interesting about one of these World's deadliest ____" shows that you would be frantically search for them online like this lol...

    try bit torrent theres tons of useless junk like that saved on peoples hard drives allover the globe.

  2. Jeremy-

    Just passing through here.  John Walsh did not make that video.  That was actually done my another Gentlman named John Bunnell, he was the Sheriff for San Bernadino County for a little while.

    I have a copy of that particular DVD, and use it for part of my presentations with Operation Lifesaver.

    John Walsh has used clips out of this DVD for his own programs.

    I purchased mine from

    Good Luck!

  3. Don't know 'bout that one in particular, but there are several on YouTube.  Check out the BNSF head-on at Kismet, shot from a cab-cam.  Guaranteed to make ya pucker...

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