
John howard ,where are you now in our hour of need?

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please come back and save the australian people from this incompident labour government,6 housing interest rate rises,petrol prices through the roof,grocery prices and general prices way up,talks of a reccession,rudd and his cohorts have done nothing of value since taking government except to sign a couple of unneccesarry bits of paper,poncing around the world for no good reason,the list goes on,under john howard we were safe from outside influences because they knew how to run australia properly,we may be heading to a banana republic quicker than we think,what do people out there think.




  1. I wonder if the old maxim about people getting the government they deserve is applicable. That would make us Brits a pretty rotten lot to have been condemned to Blair-Brown oppression for the last eleven years. Our excuse is that the incumbent Tory government was so pathetically uninspiring that Conservative voters could not be bothered to drive to the polling station.

    Australians however are guilty of gross negligence. Blessed with  a great bloke at the helm, you voted for change merely for its own sake. As you have suffered only a year compared to Britain's eleven years, I am tempted to suggest that Australians should be little more circumspect when using the expression 'Whinging Poms'.

    Nevertheless, best wishes for a quick change.

  2. Its funny how everyone  blames  politicians for  everyday  economic ills . You over  there  in Oz blame  Rudd - We in the  UK blame Brown!, - Yanks  blame   Bush .  the fact  is everyone  looks  for a scapegoats  under  such conditions.

    The reality is though  governments no matter where they are - are  powerless to do much about the  world economy because its not really under their  control. OK  they can control taxes and make conditions within their  countries a little  better  but generally speaking  these effects are governed by outside influences which  generally  are outside the ability of any  government to control.

    The real problem is  global capitalism (stock and bond markets ) which  thrives on greed of the  few to the cost of many!. (some  stock  brokers and market traders are  laughing all the way to he  bank, because they know the system and  know  how to manipulate it to their  best  advantage,, which  at the  moment  because  the  property markets and other financial products  have collapsed (credit crunch) seems to be  speculation in the  oil markets  which has brought  about the  ever increasing  cost  of oil ) . (The greed of the  market to  continually find ways of exploiting the system to make profit).

    Cheap credit - cheap oil  - cheap  commodities of  all kinds have fuelled a world  wide  boom  which most developed countries have  enjoyed  the benefit of. China  and India  have seen massive  amounts of  investment and  growth, fuelling  further pressure on  the worlds economic systems. But even these tow  dynamos of  growth  are  suffering the same  economic  ills  brought abut the  high costs of food  energy and  down turns in the  rest of the  worlds economies  which fuelled  their  growth in the  first place.

    The  trouble  with boom  times  is that they simply cant go on forever  because the  world  resources simply cant cope with  continual growth, (commodity and financial)  ultimately there has  to be   BUST time as well (a correction)  to slow things  down, otherwise one day the  whole financial  system would break  leading into something  far  worse than recession.  (depression)..  in which the  last world wide GREAT Depression of  the  1930s.. saw  the  whole  world plunged into economic gloom, and was the root cause of the  2nd world war!.

    Hopefully that wont happen again because  financial institutions  are better  equipped to weather  economic storms like the  one we are currently  experiencing.. The  best thing  anyone  can do is tighten their  belts  spend  less  drive less and save more  letting the whole system cool down..

  3. welcome to the big wide world, bout time you joined us , have some of our problems , hiding in paradise is ok but it is gonna bite your a*s one day, now's a good a time as any.7.45am London

  4. Hope the labour govt won`t last as long as this one is doing here in the UK.

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