
John mcenroe won who? when he won wimbledon 3 times??

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John mcenroe won who? when he won wimbledon 3 times??




  1. He beat these players to win his Wimbledon titles

    1981 Björn Borg 4–6, 7–6, 7–6, 6–4

    1983  Chris Lewis 6–2, 6–2, 6–2

    1984 Jimmy Connors 6–1, 6–1, 6–2

  2. He defeated Bjorn Borg to end Bjorn's 5 straight Wimbledon streak. Then he defeated Chris Lewis, and then he defeated Jimmy Connors. He was a good serve and volleyer and was great for the game. He was meant for Wimbledon.

  3. Who? No! He didn't actually win a person, that would be illegal since slavery was abolished, oh, ages ago. He won the same large shiny plate three times, but each time he had it he had to give it back, so he only really won money, but that didn't help much either because he was taking a lot of coke back then and he would have spent it very quickly.

  4. ???? do you mean who did he beat to win wimbledon 3 times ?

    He beat Borg, and I think Jimmy Connors, not sure on the other one.

  5. borg, lewis, connors.

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