
John spent a sixth of his life in childhood, a twelfth as a youth, and a seventh as a bachelor.?

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five years after his marriage,his son was born but died 4 years before his own deah at half his age.

How old is John when he died???




  1. John's age when he died = J

    John's age at his marriage = M

    John's son's age when he died = S

    Childhood + Youth + Bachelor = M

    J/6 + J/12 + J/7 = M

    5 Years After his Marriage + Son's Age when he died = John's age - 4

    M + 5 + S = J - 4

    Son's age when he died = John's age when he died / 2

    S = J / 2

    So we have 3 equations and three unknowns as

    1.  J/6 + J/12 + J/7 = M

    2.  M + 5 + S = J - 4

    3.  S = J / 2

    Put 1 and 3 to equation 2:

    J/6 + J/12 + J/7 + 5 + J/2 = J - 4


    84*J - 14*J - 7*J - 12*J - 42*J = 756

    J = 84

    So he was 84 when he died, his son was 42 when he died and he had married at 33.

  2. My brain....itches.....

  3. touching drama!!

  4. 72

  5. 84

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