
John titor time traveller?

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I just browsed round the internet and found some interesting information on a man named john titor; supposedly a time traveller!

Personally i think it's a load of rubbish, most of his predictions didn't come true whatsoever, and the people defending him were just hyped up at the thought of a time traveller, all the excitement.

What's your opinion on him?




  1. I've actually read quite a lot about time travel, and nothing in the John Titor story seemed to make any sense.  The physics side was pretty dodgy, and the incorrect predictions - a civil was in the US in 2004, but no mention of 9/11 - make him even less convincing.

  2. Never actually seen any of the web site, but from what I hear from Coast to Coast Am is pretty amazing.  If you can find some of the audio from that show I'm sure you might change your opinion.  There are others who tried to imitate him and predicted some wild stuff that didn't come true.

    But as my dad always says, "I'll believe it when I see it."

  3. People seek fame for some weird reason. When their acheivements add up to zilch, they have to invent some stuff to get attention.

    Never heardof of this poser.

  4. Total rubbish.

    Fascinating, and kind of cool, but rubbish all the same.

    The people who defend him don't understand physics very well.

    There was supposed to be a book that contained all the "details and proof" that everyone was so keen to see.

    I don't think that ever happened.

    Ultimately: Science Fiction.

  5. As true as the 23 second in h**l guy. Total tripe.

  6. My opinion?   Don't smoke crack.

  7. Impossible.  He's not a Time Lord!

  8. this that dumb-a*rse from 2036? he's a nutcase.

  9. I thought the game was fascinating; I discovered it well after the fact, after Titor had signed off for the last time. So it was already certainly suspected that this was an elaborate hoax. Still, it was fun to read, and made for an entertaining story. History, and especially alternate history, fascinates me, and so I did enjoy the tale just for its entertainment value. I always appreciate a good story.

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