
Johnny Wilkinson...and the rest are the best and they not?

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Johnny Wilkinson...and the rest are the best and they not?




  1. h**l no! England only won the game because Scotland's defence was so woefully poor.

  2. without wilkinson enland are rubbish!! i thought the object of rugby was to get the ball & run down the other end not pass to a bloke who hangs around in the middle of the pitch & kicks it between two sticks?

    i thought rugby eas dull before yesterdays game.. no i'm convinced of it.

    i'll stick to hang gliding thank you

  3. sorry, i know they lost but i was supporting the scots !!

  4. Swing low sweet chariot.. Sir Johnny to you boy...

  5. Eeeeeeengggggerrrrland!

  6. And the rest are the best. Do you mean Scotland,Ireland and Wales? !!

  7. wilkinson was imense and Ellis was superb Well Done The England boys

  8. I thought he displayed a pretty good performance.  That was a superb try in the corner! Some of his kicks were unbelievably good.   The number of penalties awarded to England allowed them to take advantage, and so one can assume that this is an area where Scotland have to work on.

  9. What do you mean? The rest of the England squad? They were the best team on the pitch yesterday, but still along way off what they need to be to win another World Cup. All Welsh fans please note I said ANOTHER World Cup!

  10. I had to turn it off ... i was rooting for Scotland ....

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