
Join the air force security then become a cop???

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i want to join the air force security forces for about two years then

become a police officer. do i still need a degree or just the two

years armed forces discharged with honors?





  1. Depends on the department.

    Some departments require a certain number of credit hours, period.  Some will accept military service in lieu of the college.

    Why not take some online classes while in the Air Force?

  2. Military experience is favorable, and you will most likely get you veterans preference points. However, it does not replace the requirement for a degree.

    Federal security is totally different than local law enforcement, so being in security will not be much of an advantage over anyone else with military experience.

  3. In mah agencys you dont need to have a degree or any armed forces training,

    I would tell you to start out with your countys Sheriffs Dept.

    Many police agencys hire from the Sheriffs Dept.

    And you will have to go to a Police or Sheriff Academy before you can apply to any police or sheriff agencys. In the academy you will get your POST certificate upon completion.

  4. dont need degree

  5. Depends on the agency. Most large cities still do not require degrees. The military is good for your law enforcement resume, makes your background check easier too but it is not automatic entrance.

      Try to get at least 60 credits while your in the military come out with that and a good record in the service and you can write your own ticket.

  6. After the Air Force you will need to go to a police academy. The Air Force is a good start. hiring from the military is always desirable. Make sure that you work hard and get that Honorable discharge however. Good luck

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