
Joining Air Force? What should I know?

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So I'm thinking about joining the Air Force after college. I'm already a junior and really haven't thought about going in until recently (this past year). Is there any useful information I should know before I go in?




  1. 90% chanceYou will either be stationed in Alaska or S. Korea after college for 2 years. Then you should be able to make selections of some bases you would like to live/stationed at. By then your rank should be 1st Lt. or Captain assuming you finish your 4 yr degree. If your college offers AFROTC consider joining.

  2. if you already have a college degree, i would look in to officer candidacy over enlisting. and don't be a "JTAC"

  3. There is a mass amount of information you should know before joining the Air Force.  We'll start at the beginning if your going the enlisted route:

    Recruiters:  Most...MOST...recruiters will lie to you to get you in.  Unfortuneatly you are just another number to fill their quota.  Continue to ask questions until you are on the shuttle to MEPS (MILITARY ENTRANCE PROCESSING STATION)

    ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery): If you've taken the test know your scores in each catagory so you know what jobs you are qualified for when you choose which jobs you are interested in when you choose at MEPS.

    BMT (Basic Military Training):  Pretty much the acronym says it all.  You will be yeld at constantly, you will be broken down and rebuild, you will doubt yourself.  Its going to happen.  Although not the toughes basic training compared to the other branches, it will be both mentaly and physicaly demanding.  When you walk down the bomb run you will feel more pride than you ever had at any other graduation.  Learn the phrase " Sir/Ma'am trainie (your last name) reports as ordered!" do not make the mistake of saying reporting.

    Tech Training: Depending on what your AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code) your technical training can last from 1 month - 2 years.  You will get more freedom than BMT

    After you graduate Tech Training you start your Air Force career at your first duty station, enjoy it and learn from it.  You make your career the best or worse of it.  I can not explain what goes on in the officer portion of the Air Force, because I'm an Enlisted Air Force personnel.  If you have any more questions that require some more in-depth answers feel free to send me an email to my personal account at:

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