
Joining Air Force next June, what should i do to prepare?

by Guest60037  |  earlier

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Ive talked to the recruiter and have decided to join next june. Reason im joining so late, is because i was on an anti depressant and another medicine called seroquel to sleep for my insomnia. I told him all bout my medical history, and he told me to wait until next June as that will be 1 year that i have stopped taking my medications.

I'm going to start an exercising program soon. im 5'11 and 215 lbs with 17% body fat. How much weight should i lose? or what should be my goal?

Any other tips for things i should work on before i go? im very excited about it and one year seems a long time away. Thanks,




  1. Pen a will.

  2. From you measurements, it seems to me that you are already in decent shape. You will be suprised to see how many people show up to boot camp expecting a walk in the park.

    Me being a former Marine, I can tell you that in our boot camp, we did a lot of running, and endurance was definetly a plus over brute strength. You are going to have to prepare yourself mentally more than just physically. The instructors are going to break you completely down, and then build you back up the way they want you to be.

    ~ Be prepared to take the leadership roles early. Don't be afraid to volunteer for squad leader or guide. You will get the most negative attention from the DI's, but in the end you will standout and maybe be promoted for it.

    ~Physically, work on your endurance, running 3 - 5 miles maybe 2 -3 times a week. Airmen have to do push-ups for their physical fitness test while the Marines have to do pull-ups. (much harder). In the end, there will always be a rivalry between the different services, but be proud that you are at least attempting to do something that less than 15% of Americans have the balls to do.

    Good-Luck in Basic.

    P.S. Know that after boot camp, you go to your MOS school.... meaning no girls for a long time...something to think about.  

  3. Basic is more mental than psyical its airforce basic for crying out loud

    but they put you under war time conditions to see how you handle stress lack of sleep being yelled st being called names etc never tell people you take drugs in the military, you prob wont get security clearance which everybody has in the airforce, but every six months they throw out your paperwork and you start from scratch

  4. FIRST make sure your recruiter has all your paperwork correct, because if he doesn't you'll get disqualified like me and have to get rescheduled, which I, am in the process of right now.

    SECOND make sure you can at least lift 80 pounds so you can qualify for all Airforce jobs

    THIRD run, run, and run. BMT consists mostly of running and the other things are mostly high school exercises.

    FORTH be mentally prepared!

  5. Your maximum weight for your height is 199.  You cannot go to basic training until you meet this weight.

    Your Body Mass Index cannot exceed 27.5 in the AF.  You will go through a more stringent process if you do not meet this standard.  Currently your BMI is 30.  Obviously you are over the limit.

    The AF way of determining body fat is ridiculous, but here it is.  Measure your abdominal circumference at its absolute largest point.  Now measure your neck.  Subtract your neck from your waist.  The AF says the number you get is your body fat percentage.  That number can not exceed 20.

    The absolute bare minimum fitness standard to graduate Basic is as follows:

    16:45 2 mile run.

    11:57 1.5 mile run

    45 pushups

    50 situps

    To obtain the Warhawk Award (the highest award for fitness) you must meet the following standard:

    13:30 2 mile run

    8:08 1.5 mile run

    75 pushups

    80 situps

    10 pullups

    Good Luck!

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